Kaller Continued

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We basically stormed our own barracks, and piled up into them quickly.

"Woah!" I almost made the mistake of taking my helmet off, "I like your barracks, trashy, like the ship. And me."

I brushed my fingers up against the walls, and their equipment. I smiled as I walked around the barracks, and as I examined Tech's wall.

I shook my head, "love the d@mn math equations," I whispered.

"It's good to be home!" Wrecker fished out a Tooka doll from his bedside.

I laughed, "is that a Tooka doll?"

"This is Lula!" Wrecker threw her at me.

I caught her easily, and looked at it, "it seems hand-stitched. Very nice."

I tossed her back to Wrecker, and bumped up against Tech's back as he sat down on his bench. He did not say anything to me, and I did my best not to apologize excessively.

"Another successful mission," Wrecker scratched up the wall, "HA, like there was any doubt."

"Wrong," Crosshair wiped his rifle, "we didn't finish the objective. Hunter let that Jedi kid, escape, or do you want to keep lying to us?"

Hunter walked over to the window, "I don't like to think of executing our commanders as a mission objective."

"An order is an order." Crosshair inched towards him.

"Since when?" Hunter folded his arms.

"Look, I don't get it. Those clones served under General Bilaba for years!" Echo slammed his fist on the table, "how can they turn on her like that?!"

"Because of the regs programming." Tech said without looking up from what he was working on.

I moved to his station and fiddled with his spare goggles.

"What programming?" Hunter asked, turning to him.

"It's obvious the regs were engineered to follow orders without question, and our, or your rather, deviant nature makes that programming less effective." I murmured, looking at the ceiling.

"Then how come I didn't react like the other?" Echo asked.

"The damage you sustained on Skako Minor most likely wiped out your pre-behavioral modifications. My guess is that we are immune to the effects of the programming, but I cannot be one hundred percent certain of it," Tech shot an angry glare at Crosshair.

"Attention," rang an intercom, "the assembly will commence in five minutes."

"This is one meeting I do not want to miss." Hunter motioned for us to follow him.

I hesitated; I did not want to be discovered with that many regs around, but I followed anyway. I walked very tentatively, making most of my movements unpredictable. I almost ran into some regs, and Crosshair a few times; most of the time Crosshair just shot me a frustrated look.

We took our place in the lines, and the projection of the emperor came up. At least, I think it was the emperor; he looked horrible.
The meeting was dry and full as all meetings were, but the fact that all the regs cheered senselessly for a new 'empire,' made me uneasy.
The meeting drew to a close, and we quickly made our way out of there. Wrecker and I talked about the 'comment,' he made about the emperor; I intended to scold him about it, but I just ended up laughing with him.

"Boys," Hunter signaled for us to stop, "we've got company."

We turned around to see a young, female clone following us.

"Hello!" She spoke with a New Zealand accent, and waved her hand cheerfully.

"What is that?" Wrecker peered at her suspiciously.

I rolled my eyes; literally anyone could tell that she was a female clone, and a young one at that.

"Adolescent human female, origins... Uncertain..." Tech responded, adjusting his goggles.

"I was wondering when you would get back," she seems completely unfazed by them, "my name's Omega by the way."

"You... know who we are?" Hunter turned to her.

I could already see the, 'Space Dad,' forming in him.

She nodded, "Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, Echo, and Crosshair; you are clone force 99. But," she turned to me, "I don't recognize you."

I folded my arms and thought about what to say; 'I'm new,' sounded weird to say, "I'm new. You wouldn't know me."

She seemed unsatisfied with my answer, but she ignored me.

"What're you following us for?" I asked again.

She opened her mouth to speak, but Nala Se came up to us.

"There you are Omega," she put her hand on the young clones shoulder, "I was looking for you."

"She's with you?" I asked.

"She is my medical assistant, and there is much to be done." Nala Se pulled her along, "come along Omega."

Once she was out of view, Hunter folded his arms, "this day just keeps getting weirder and weirder."

I nodded with Wrecker on this one.

Our next stop was the mess hall, but I could not eat anything, so I merely took my seat across from where Hunter would sit.

Hunter sat down shortly after I did, "an imperial's been sent to evaluate the clones. All the regs are talking about it."

"What kind of evaluation?" Echo asked.

"Hopefully not mental, because clearly we would never pass that." Tech explained.

"Hello again!" Omega took her seat next to Hunter, and waved sheepishly.

"Omega, from earlier?" She explained when she saw our blank stares.

The, 'huh,' from Wrecker set me off laughing; I facepalmed my helmet.

"From the corridor?" She asked again, looking at me.

"Yeah kid we remember, don't you have... some place, to be?" Hunter looked at her.

"No, I'll stay." She took a spoonful of soup.

"You want to sit with us?" Tech hunched over the table so he could see her clearly.

When she gave a small nod he said, "that's never happened before."

He gave a silly eyeroll; that I laughed at again.

"Not true," I looked at him, "you've got me."

"Besides you." He curved his lip up a bit.

"I like you, you're different too." Omega said.

Tech nodded, and smiled when she said that.

"Look kid, what are you doing on Kamino, don't you have a family somewhere, parents?" Hunter asked again.

"Parents?" Omega asked.

I frowned, and narrowed my eyebrows. Hunter opened his mouth to speak, but some regs bumped his shoulder.

"The defect squad has got themselves a new recruit." The walked past us and into the isle, "another member added to the sad batch."

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