The Story Part 10

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I had not expected Tech to react the way we did. He definitely wasn't frightened of me, and he wasn't disgusted by me. Although, he might just be welcoming the gesture because I saved his life.

"Y/n? Is that you?" I could hear Anakin growling my name through clenched teeth.

Oh boy, here we go...

"This? This?! This your huge secret?!" He acted angry, but I could tell he was surprised.

I frowned, "don't give me that Anakin," I flew up beside his Keeradack. I surprised Hunter by doing that, "you never knew I had a secret 'till now."

"This isn't a JOKE Y/N!" Anakin roared, this is serious. "URG! We'll talk about this when we land!"

I hung back, flying alongside Hunter again.

"That's definitely not what I was expecting, but I'm not exactly surprised." Hunter said, looking at me.

"You're conflicted, I understand..." I flapped my wings to keep up after I fell behind a little.

"From a certain standpoint, this trait is extremely useful, demonstrated by what you did five minutes ago." Tech spoke in an as a matter of fact tone.

"Yeah, yeah, that's a good way to look at it..." I smiled, giving him a glance.

I couldn't see all of his expression, but it was definitely worth it to see. I could see that he had happiness and pride in him now. Or rather, I could tell he was acting that way. Hmm... Tech and I have a similar manner of emotion expression, in very different ways. We both seem to only express a few emotions, or be void of all emotions, but it's in secret that we feel. Interesting...

Anakin's words napped me from my thoughts, we were about to land. It was easy for me, I was graceful. The keeradacks... not so much. They landed with a loud thud, when I landed I ran it off. I paused so Tech could get off, I untransformed when he did. I was berated by Anakin scolding me, I felt like a child.

"I have to turn you into the Jedi council, you could be a separatist and we wouldn't know it! They did this to you, what if they could control you?" Anakin scowled at me.

I knew very well only one person could control me, and it had to be done at close range.

I curled my lip, "no one can control me."

"I can't believe that now, you lied to us, all of us. Who else knows?" Anakin questioned.

I didn't answer.

"WHO else?" Anakin tried again.

"You get two guesses, and your first two don't count." I frowned and arched one eyebrow.

"Obi Wan knows? Who else on the Jedi council?" Anakin's anger was rising again.

"Just Master Yoda, it's impossible to keep anything from him." I responded and folded my arms.

"But you didn't tell me, I don't get it y/n, I thought we were friends." Anakin, held up his hands.

"We are friends, I just knew how you would react." I responded simply.

Anakin shook his head and started to walk away, "if it's this easy to betray someone's trust, we're not friends."

I sighed and turns to Rex, he gave me a disappointed look. I knew what he thought of me, I could see he desperately wanted to stay, but he followed Anakin on command. I was left alone with clone force 99.

"If it's any consolation kid, I don't think you're plotting against the republic. You don't seem like the type of person to do that." Hunter walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm still quite a bit older than you, but thank you." I gave him a halfhearted smile, "it's encouraging to know at least someone believes in me."

"Excuse me for interrupting, but General Skywalker's argument seems a bit... Illogical." Tech adjusted his goggles when I turned to face him, "everything you've done for the republic so far gives no indication of betrayal."

"That's what I've been saying!" I heaved, and held up my hands, "but I guess it's more of the fact that I kept a secret from him that frightened him."

"I suppose so, yes." Tech adjusted his goggles again.

"D@mn, do you need tighter straps on those, or is it just a thing you do to look cool?" I teased, he gave me a small smile, but no answer.

I opened my mouth with a sly smile, but Anakin cut me off before I could say anything.

"We've got droids incoming. Y/n, you are not to engage, only protect the villagers, understand? Also stand around the middle here." He ordered while he took his men up above the village.

I didn't argue, and the set up was quick. That means Anakin knows what he's doing this time. I stood in the middle of the village; waiting for the droids.

"General, this seems like one of your worst plans yet." I sighed, walking in a circle.

I heard him chuckle, "because this time you're on the receiving end of it!"

I smiled and continued to pace around the village, I prepared my magic. This was going to take a lot of dodging, and a lot of shielding. These natives were, after all, very primitive and not a great match for the Techno Union. I sincerely hoped I had enough energy to use this much magic. I hadn't used magic like this in a while, and I was probably not prepared for how taxing it was going to be. It didn't take long of the droids to arrive; they were never late. They surrounded me on all sides, they seemed a little surprised to only see me.

"Is this who we're supposed to destroy, you've been causing so much trouble? Whatever, orders are orders, you're under arrest!" The captain sounded.

I smirked and waited, "fire!" It said, pointing to me.

I waited, and jumped up at the last minute, causing the droids to blast each other. I jumped off of a droids head and somersaulted onto the ground.

(Y/n) and the Bad BatchWhere stories live. Discover now