The Story Part 27, Muchi

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We had only been in the ship for a few hours before the question, 'what now?' Came up.

I heard the rest of the bad batch talking about what we should do, and I decided to see what they were consulting.

I walked into the room they were talking in, folded my arms, and leaned against the side of the doorway.

"Hey y/n!" Omega greeted me cheerfully.

I gave a small smile in response, "what're we talking about?"

"Uh, well... Echo says that he knew somebody named Cid that communicated with the Jedi." Wrecker scratched the back of his head, "and he thinks he knows where they are."

"How will that help us?" I arched both eyebrows.

"If they were in touch with the Jedi, maybe they can help us out too," Echo explained.

I shook my head, "not likely. The Jedi were forced underground by this Empire. This person would probably now want anything to do with Rogue Clones, on the run from the empire."

"We don't have that much of a choice," Hunter frowned, "there's nobody else."

I sighed and looked down, "you're right."

"I'll plug in the coordinates then," Tech walked into the cockpit, and sat down in his chair.

I followed him silently, sat down in the copilot seat, sighed, reclined, and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I stared into empty space, looking at all the stars in the windshield.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tech give a small concerned glance, but he did not say anything.

We plotted the coordinates, and headed towards this, 'Cid.'

We arrived on a planet that was pretty much in the middle of nowhere; on this planet there was a bar in the middle of nowhere. Only a few people appeared to be going in and out.

"Charming," Tech and I said at the same time, "you're sure these are the right coordinates?"

We gave each other a startled look before ignoring us being in sync.

"These are the coordinates the Jedi have," Echo frowned at us, "so let's go in."

"Terrific," I frowned, and fell in behind the others.

We probably looked like a bunch of kindergarteners walking in a straight line like this. It was sort of embarrassing, but we were soldiers, that is how it is done.

We entered the sordid bar, and walked into a large, open, room. Like I had guessed, there were only a few people in here. The most striking of them all was a bright green Trandoshan.

She was fixing an arcade game of some sort; we decided she could tell us who Cid was.

As we approached her, she stopped what she was doing, and stood up to meet us.

She gave us a judgy look, "what do you want? Clones attract lots of attention that we don't need."

"We're looking for someone named Cid," I folded my arms, making it very clear that I knew she was Cid, "do you know 'em?"

Cid crossed her arms too, and gave me a curious look, "depends. Why do you want Cid?"

We held a long stare, it was cold, hard, and tensioned.

"I see you found her," Hunter patted my shoulder, "good work soldier."

"What do you it want?" Cid rolled her eyes, "do you I really need to ask again?"

"The Jedi had an informant named Cid," Echo explained, "we know it's you."

Cid seemed a little surprised, "let's talk in the back."

We walked to the back of this parlor, and stood in front of her desk.

"When the Jedi went underground because of the new empire," Cid started, "I thought I was going to go out of business. I guess not."

I looked at Tech, and knew she was implying that we were going to help with her business.

Cid was talking to us for a little while, but I was not paying much attention until she said this...

"If you want to survive in this new empire," Cid schooled, "you need friends, and money. Lots of both."

She sounded like she was more interested in money, than she was us. She would definitely get a bargain off of us.

"Well, we're not exactly swimming in either of those right now," Hunter said.

Was he really going to 'agree,' with Cid?!

"Hmm," Cid said in a very fake manner, "I might be able to help you boys out."

Everyone gave a surprised look to Cid.

"There's a job I've been requested that I could use your help with," Cid smirked, "there's a kid named Muchi that needs some help. You boys could get some of the cut I'm getting to return her."

We looked at each other.

"All you have to do," Cid gave us a data-chip, "is head to these coordinates, and bring back the kid, Muchi."

Hunter took the data-chip, and signaled for us to follow him out of the parlor.

"I'll be waiting for you," Cid called as we left, "remember, you're going to need the money!"

We continued walking until we reached our ship.

"We're not seriously thinking of doing this, are we?" I frowned at Hunter, "we can't just trust her."

"I agree with the fact that we should not trust Cid," Tech agreed, "but she is correct, we do need the credits."

I rolled my eyes, "there could be other ways."

"There probably are," Echo responded grumpily, "but I don't really feel like becoming a bounty hunter."

"Then it's settled," Hunter commanded, "we'll help Cid with this, and then maybe we can get information on the bounty hunter that was after Omega."

I was about to say that we basically were bounty hunters, but everyone was going to their positions.

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