The Story Part 18, Kaller continued

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I watched as Hunter, Tech, and Crosshair begin talking with some on named Saw Gerrera. I knew Saw, and I knew how he fights, and I knew his tactics. I had worked with him before, and I did not like him at all. Saw did not harm the bad batch; in fact, he let them go. He gave them back their blasters, and allowed them to go. I overheard him giving the bad batch a whole speech about how the empire was evil.

Soon, Tech and the others grabbed their helmets and returned to the ship. I made my way through the underbrush and back to the ship.

"Where'd you go to?" Hunter turned to me.

"I don't want to get captured," I responded, "if I talked when you asked me too I would not be able to do anything to help. Not that you needed it, I knew he wasn't going to hurt you when I saw who he was."

"So," Tech turned to me, "you knew him?"

"Don't get so defensive..." I rolled my eyes, "I worked with him before. Saw Gerrera. Never really liked him that much."

Tech nodded, and typed something into his data pad.

"Now what?" I looked at Hunter.

"This whole..." Wrecker looked at the sky, "empire thing... it's wrong."

"Yeah," Hunter agreed, "and-... y/n?"

I had turned my head to the bushes, something moved in the trees. Suddenly, I leapt forward, and brought back a destroyed probe droid.

"Wha?! Tarkins spying on us now?!" Wrecker gave the probe droid a startled look.

"Omega..." Hunter said darkly, and walked closer to the ship.

"What about her?" Echo looked at him.

"Before we left for this mission, Omega talked to me, and warned me about this mission." Hunter explained.

"We're letting a kid tell us the dangers of missions now? Kids are calling shots now?" Crosshair growled.

"I would not doubt Omega's insights," Tech responded, "a sense of heightened awareness is not unusual for an enhanced clone such as herself."

"What?" Wrecker looked at him.

"Explain," I asked him, but I already knew what he was going to say.

"I analyzed Omega's DNA when we were inside the lab," Tech began.

"And," I added, "when Nala Se spoke of five enhanced clones, Tarkin thought she was talking about us. But Echo's a reg."

"The fifth is Omega," Tech finished.

"And you waited until now to mention it?!" Echo said grumpily.

"Well," Tech gestured to the sky, "I thought it was obvious."

"How is it obvious?!" Wrecker said in an almost desperate tone.

I gave a small chuckle.

"We're going back for her," Hunter began walking into the ship.

"We have to finish the mission!" Crosshair cut in front of him.

"These people aren't war criminals Crosshair," I approached him.

Crosshair rubbed his head in frustration, "GOOD SOLDIERS FOLLOW ORDERS!"

When he screamed that a bell rang in my head. A death count, a death march. The words echoed in my head over and over again. I thought of Tup, and everything that happened to him, and order 66. Only Tech seemed to notice the look on my face, but he said nothing.

"EVERY CHoice since Kaller has been wrong," Crosshair sneered, "if you can't make the right choice then you aren't fit to lead this squad."

I pushed Crosshair away, "I don't know about that Crosshair, have you looked in the mirror recently."

He gave me an annoyed frown, but said nothing. I caught the unamused looks from Hunter, Echo, and Tech. As usual, Wrecker looked very clueless, but we were all in agreement. We headed back to Kamino, and despite wanting to rescue Omega I could not help but feel like something was wrong.

"What is it?" Tech said as I sat down in the copilot seat.

I did not answer at first, that made him frown.

"I..." I began, but Hunter as Crosshair walked in I stopped.

Tech gave me a concerned look, but continued to stay silent.

"Nearly there," he nodded, pressing some buttons on the dashboard.

As we approached Kamino, and got the permit to land Tech turned to me.

"Would you prefer to wait on the ship?" He cocked his head to the side.

I opened my mouth, but Hunter cut me off, "y/n, I think we're going to need your back up this time, just try not to use your transformation so much."

I nodded; defeated. I smiled at the fact that Tech was concerned for me; he knew what I wanted. Interesting. He does pay attention.

We quickly descended to Kamino, and got out of the ship.

I tapped Tech on the shoulder, "thanks for trying."

He nodded with a small smirk, and walked out of the ship. I hesitated, I did not want to disobey orders, but I also did not want to exit the ship. Something bad was happening, and I did not want to be on the receiving end of it. However, my entire squad was leaving, and I could not leave them behind. I started to walk out of the ship, but I quickly stopped and pressed myself against the wall of the ship.

Hunter and the others were surrounded by Tarkin's forces. I watched him nod to the ship; some people came in to search the ship. I had a loss of options, and I could do nothing. When they came in the ship, I could have fought them off, but I did not want to call Vial to me. I raised my hands up.

"Drop your weapons," they nodded to me.

"What weapons?" I smirked.

"Hey," they nudged me with a blaster, "isn't this the war criminal that was supposed to be eliminated?"

"Wow Einstein," I rolled my eyes, "no $*!t!"

They pushed me out of the ship.

"Hiding a criminal I see," Tarkin smirked at me, "you know the punishment for high treason... y/n?"

(Y/n) and the Bad BatchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora