Chapter 33

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TWO MONTHS LATER [coz I'm lazy as fuck]

The sound of a baby crying made me snap out of my short nap. I opened my eyes and noticed that Eunjae wasn't in her crib. When did I fall asleep on the chair? I think I fell asleep when I was trying to get her to fall asleep. So where the fuck is she now? Fuck I'm so terrible at this, I'm so terrible at being a parent.

A lot has happened the past 2 months, Jungkook and I immediately took Eunjae as her foster parents when Jungkook finally agreed. After that, I don't recall ever having a proper day of sleep again. She cries in the middle of the night. She cries way too early in the morning. She cries for no reason sometimes. She drains me, and she always keeps me on my feet. But I still value the great moments with her, her precious smile when she's happy, her little baby talks, and blabbering, how she raises her arms for me to pick her up. It makes me feel so happy.

I got up and dragged my tired body to where the baby cries were. My eyes were half open, and I was so tired. I got to the kitchen, and my eyes landed on Taehyung first since he was sitting right in front of me. In my peripheral view, I could see Namjoon and Jin, and then Yoongi and Hobi were cuddles on the other couch next to Tae. I looked over at the kitchen counter. Jungkook was carrying Eunjae, rocking her back and forth while trying to make a formula for her.

"Babe, do you need help?" I asked while walking towards him. He glanced at me and shook his head.

"Don't worry. I got this princess." He assured me. Well, he doesn't look like he's got this, but I'll just believe him. I nodded and walked to Taehyung, sitting next to him and leaning on his shoulder with my head.

"His princess, are you awake from your little nap?" Taehyung asked while placing a kiss on my forehead. Jungkook would be lashing out right now if he saw that. But it's just a harmless forehead kiss, Taehyung is just a very cute and affectionate person. It makes me wonder how come he doesn't have anyone as yet. I mean, absolutely anyone would be lucky to have Taehyung in their life.

"Hmm, I'm awake now. Hey, guys. When did you all get here? I was so asleep that I didn't even hear you come in." I told them.

"We understand, honey. It must be draining having to take care of Eunjae. Don't feel guilty for falling asleep." Jin quickly said. I nodded, I'm not feeling guilty, but it's making me think a lot. What if it wasn't Jungkook who came in? Anybody could have stolen our baby.

"Yeah, it's tiring. She's a full-time job." I said with a little giggle.

"That's called being a parent. But you'll get the hang of it, Minnie." Taehyung said while brushing my hair, messing it up even more.

"It's been two months, and I'm still not getting used to the sleepless nights. KOOKIE... YOU SURE YOU DON'T NEED ANY HELP?" I asked in concern as the baby was still crying, and Jungkook wasn't done making her bottle.

"UH... MAYBE I DO NEED HELP NOW?" He said, more like asked. It's like he wasn't even sure that he needed help or not. He was trying to be a tough guy and do it all on his own, but he can't.

I stood up and went to the kitchen where Kookie was. He was still in his suit, which meant he had just come back from work. I extended my arms and took the baby from his arms so he could continue making her formula. Eunjae's cries slowly subsided when I had taken her. Now she had little hiccups, and her face remained red and wet with tears.

"Oh, look at this little traitor. Now you're quiet because you're in Jimin's arms." Jungkook rolled his eyes and remarked. Well, Eunjae cried a little less when she was with me. She loved Jungkook. In my opinion, she preferred Jungkook because she laughed a lot whenever she was with him. But whenever she was crying, she always wanted me. Jungkook says I'm more capable of calming her down.

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