Chapter 6

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As the music thumped through the speakers, the whole club was alive with energy. The lights bounced across the crowded dance floor, illuminating the sweaty and excited faces of party goers. Amidst the loud beats of music, laughter, and very loud conversations, I sat quietly on the bar stool, observing a certain figure on the dance floor.

He moved so freely and sensually as he danced to the song, his hips swaying side to side, his hands running all over his body, the way he was biting his lower lip as he danced, his sweaty and shiny forehead, everything about him was just perfect, alluring, fascinating, attractive. Right now, I'm fully admitting that I'm envious of Kang Jaebeom. That man has everything, he's rich, has a huge mansion, luxurious cars, a perfect family, and most of all, he has Park Jimin.

I watched as Jimin continued to dance. Some guys would sneak up behind him, touching him and trying to dance, but without hesitation, he pushed them back. That's how loyal he is to his husband, I guess. I looked at the time on my phone. It was 11 pm now, and we got here around 8. I'm sure he's had enough fun, I mean, I did say we'll only stay here for an hour.

I sipped the last of my beer and got up, making my way to the dance floor where Jimin was still dancing carelessly. I touched his shoulder softly, expecting him to turn. Speaking to him in this loud music would just be useless. As if he didn't realize I was trying to get his attention, he kept dancing and screaming like everyone else who was here.

I sighed and placed my hand on his waist, turning him around to face me. He turned around so quickly, I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash. The moment he realized it was me, he smiled widely, his eyes disappearing into small moon crescents. Would you look at that? He's so cute.

....and married.

"THIS PLACE IS SO MUCH FUN." He yelled, trying to get me to hear him over the deafening sound of the music. I've never seen him so carefree, so it made me happy that he was enjoying his time here.

I leaned down closer to his ear, as sweaty as he was, I could still smell his perfume, and it smelled so good.

"We have to go now, Mr Park." I said in his ear, and he giggled, pushing me back a little.

"THAT'S TICKLISH.... AND WE'RE NOT LEAVING. DANCE WITH ME." He said and continued to move his body, dancing and smiling at me. Damn he's really drunk.

I stood straight, trying to think of how I could get him home. Because I'm definitely not gonna start dancing here with him. Mr Park placed his hands on my shoulders and danced while smiling at me. The upbeat music was definitely making him crazy. The way he was dancing while holding on to me was in every level of inappropriate. It seemed like I was his boyfriend or something.

"Let's go outside and get some air first. We'll come back." I said as I had leaned down to his ear so he could hear me. I expected him to protest, but luckily, he smiled and nodded. He then held my big hand with his smaller one and pulled me as we made our way away from the dancefloor. He's honestly too touchy, but I'm just gonna blame it all on the alcohol. He'll be fine tomorrow.

We managed to make our way outside, and the cool air made me realize that we had both been in there for too long. Mr Park leaned on the wall and looked up at me, a wide smile still visible on his face.

"What?" I asked him, as I didn't understand why he was smiling at me.

"Nothing, I'm just happy." He said. The way his voice sounded when he said that made me feel sorry for him. It sounded almost like he hadn't been happy in a while.

"I'm glad I could make you happy. But we have to leave now. You've had so much to drink, and you need to sober up." I told him.

"I don't wanna go home. I'm just gonna stay here and dance and drink some more." He protested, I sighed, not knowing what to say now.

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