Chapter 26

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The atmosphere in the restaurant was great. The sounds of cutlery and clinking glasses with the soft music in the background made the mood more lovely. Each table was occupied by people who were smiling and laughing with each other. Nothing was different in this table as well, Jimin had decided to eat out for a change, claiming he was tired of being cooped up in his apartment. So he and Jungkook were eating in a restaurant, it wasn't that fancy but it was still a really good place.

The food in front of them looked especially delicious and mouth watering. Glasses were filled with champagne, and the smaller was taking small sips while listening to Jungkook speak about lord knows what. Jimin was very attentive, though. He loved just talking to his boyfriend. The words that came out of Jungkook's mouth always seemed to make the smaller feel a lot of different emotions.

"So you left him for being a drug addict? And the fact that he drank a lot? That's not fair, though, instead of leaving. You should have helped him change. You know? Make him attend rehab and all that." The smaller spoke with a serious look on his face.

"Well, think about it if I didn't leave him. I wouldn't be your man now. And besides, I knew he wasn't the right guy for me. I've always told myself that I'll know when the right guy comes. And I knew the moment I saw you." Jungkook spoke with a soft smile on his face.

"Haha, really? How did you even know? I was married when you met me. What could possibly make you conclude that I was the one for you?" Jimin asked while giggling.

"Well, you uhm... As you know, my identity has been hidden for this long, I was uhm... working at a restaurant as a waiter. You don't know this, and I never wanted to tell you this because I didn't want you to think of me as a stalker or something, but... the first time I saw you was in a restaurant."

Jimin gasped as he looked at the shy Jungkook. He seemed not to want to tell this story, but now Jimin was more eager to know. As far as the smaller remembered. He and Jungkook actually met when Jungkook started working for Jaebeom.

"What? A restaurant?" The smaller asked.

"Yes, this restaurant, actually. That's why I bought you here when you said you wanted to eat out." Jungkook said, shyly brushing his forehead. He didn't even want to look at his boyfriend.

"Tell me. Tell me everything. Why don't I know this? What else are you hiding? Just tell me how you saw me and all that." Jimin rushed while impatiently tapping his feet under the table.

"Well, you were having dinner with Jaebeom and his family. When my eyes landed on you, my first thought was... Wow... he's so fucking pretty. I thought you were having dinner with your parents and older brother but... I noticed Jaebeom kept kissing you and holding your hand, and you seemed very uncomfortable at that moment. So I figured you're dating that guy, but you're really shy to express your love in public... so you know what I did?"

"Well, I'm waiting for you to tell me." The smaller said with a side and very happy smile.

"I wanted to come to your table and ask if you needed anything, but I... I was shy, so I asked a colleague of mine to come. I saw how you quickly used that time free yourself from Jaebeom and sit far from him. So I was happy that at least you've freed yourself from his touch." Jungkook explained.

"Well, It's been a lot of times where Jaebeom would touch me in public, and I was uncomfortable, so I can't really say I remember. But you're really something. How can you not tell me you knew me before working for us? In fact? If you were already working at the restaurant by then? How the fuck did you end up working for Jaebeom as a chauffer? The smaller curiously asked. He now wanted to know every single detail, and Jungkook didn't blame him. In fact, he was happy to narrate the story of how he first saw the love of his life.

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