Hearing the guard yelled, I ran faster and turned corner after corner until I was far away from the chamber.

Hearing footsteps gaining closer behind me, I turned another corner and went into the first room that was close to me.

Closing the door shut, I looked around the room to what seems to be torture equipment, but wasn't to sure since the room was too dark.

"Check every room on this hall. She must be in one of them."


Grabbing a tool off the table which was luckily a knife, I stood behind the door and waited to see if they would come into this room.

Hearing the knob turn and the door slowly open, I slowly backed away and was ready to attack if they saw me.

"DON'T GO IN THERE IDIOT! The boss' most prized experiment is in there and he would have us killed if he found out that we went in there."

Prized experiment?

The guard that was about to enter the room quickly closed the door and walked down the hall with the other guards.

Letting out a breath of relief, I walked around the room to the prized experiment.

It took me five minutes to find the prized experiment since my body is a bit weak from the experiments from the other day and the beatings from today along with running away from the guards.

Luckily there was a dim light above so I could see.

The prized experiment turned out to be a boy that seems to be three to four years older then me.

"What do you want?"

Hearing the boy's dry and tired, I stepped closer to get a better look at him.

He lifted his head and stared into my eyes with those beautiful dark ocean blue eyes of his.

What is this feeling?

I placed hand on my chest and took a deep.

"Are you deaf or something?"


"No, asshole. I was thinking about how fucking annoying you are and we just met." I said

"The feeling's mutual. What are doing here anyway? The big boss never lets anyone in here besides his assistant."

"Running from guards. They tried to put me in the test chamber again." I said

"Then this might be your new hiding spot since the guards aren't allowed in here. What's your name, shorty?"

"I'm not short and I'm still growing, asshat." I said with annoyance

"I know, but I'm taller than you, shorty. My name's Ji-Min. Can't remember my last name." Ji-Min said

"Regina De-. Black. Regina Black." I said

I will no longer carry those bastards last name.

"Nice to meet you, shorty Gina." Ji-Min said with a smirk

"Nice to meet you too, asshole." I said smile and a twitching eyebrow

Being here is going to get a little bit interesting.


Hearing the elevator ding, I opened my eyes and saw that it was my stop.

Walking out of the elevator and to the car, I got in and drove off.

*30 minutes later*

Parking the car and getting out, I locked the doors and walked to the front door.

Closing the door behind, I headed to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"When are we going to tell her?"

Hearing Ava's voice, I stopped and listened in on the conversation.

"I don't know but we can't keep this from her. We have to tell her today."


"She'll hate us from keeping this from her for so long and not telling her immediately."


"She'll hate us even more if we don't tell her at all."


"I agree with Oliver and Noah, Kim. We've kept this from her for about a month now and The Mad Sinners are getting closer and I think they found about the kids." Ava said


No, No, No.

They can't find out about Eli and Bella.

"We have to tell her that he's alive. We have to tell her that Owen's alive." Noah said


Owen....is alive?

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