3.4 Returning Home

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A/N: I'm not a fan of always having a 3rd person POV, so from now on I will be continuing with what I was doing. It will be Luna's POV unless stated otherwise. The 3rd person POV that's mixed into the 1st person's POV is more so to bring more detail into things like her powers and other people's emotions and why they do certain things. This is probably confusing, sorry. Just read the story and you should be fine. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

!!!Important!!! Chapter 3.1 3.2 will be remade by the end of tomorrow as 1st person POV. This is because I hate the chapters like they are and people seem to agree with that statement, as they have half my average votes. Rereading them won't be necessary as they will have the same dialogue and the changes won't be extreme. Maybe add a scene or two. Rereading those two chapters is unnecessary, but if you wish you can.


Luna's POV

The time had come for us to once again return home. Everyone had packed their belongings and were ready to leave. The trip home was peaceful and was spent mostly in silence. I was in the driver seat like normal, Kol by my side on the passage seat. Stefan and Klaus were in the far back cuddling asleep as neither slept much.

Kol was on his Nintendo while I was on my phone texting the others. They were excited and happy that we would finally come back. They told me about prank night. They would all go to the school late on so they could set up pranks for the teachers when they came to class the next day.

I remember in the original timeline this would be the time Klaus would return with his sister and Stefan. Then a lot of drama. But lucky that won't be a thing. Klaus would be at the new house Elijah had acquired for them. Kol, Stefan, and I would go to the prank night. Kol to create some mischief, Stefan to be with Caroline and I would be there to simply observe.

When we got back to Mystic Falls we met with Elijah outside the new mansion. It was only a five-minute walk away from mine. Klaus got his stuff inside with Stefan as he wanted to help. I was talking with Elijah getting the latest update while Kol was still in the jeep, playing his game. He informed me about the new hybrids residing at the edge of town.

After Klaus and Stefan were finished, Klaus went to the new hybrids to check up on them while I took Stefan home to Damon and Enzo. We had made plans to spend time when we got back. We were planning on watching Van Helsing. Kol and Enzo had found it during one of our late-night video calls and have been dying to watch it. They loved seeing human adaptations of their species. Me and Damon didn't care what movie we watched and since they wanted to watch it, we were more than happy to let them.

The night was getting closer and Caroline was blasting my phone making sure I would make it to prank night (Mischief night? Or is that Teen Wolf?).

"Kol, it's time to go. Caroline is blasting my phone about not coming late."I called out to him as he was zoned in on the movie. It was the third movie they had watched. Van Helsing first, Twilight second, which they couldn't stop laughing at. And the third was some random movie they had found that looked interesting.

He jumped to his feet saying goodbye to Enzo and Damon as he ran to the door. He had been waiting for this day for over two weeks since Caroline and Bonnie told them about it during a video call.

When we got there everyone else was waiting on us. Caroline with Stefan following behind her like a love-sick teenager, Bonnie, Rebekah, Elena, Tyler, and Jeremy. We all hugged and made our way inside. Kol and Rebekah although reluctantly ended up silently hugging, both leaning into the other. Tyler and Jeremy went their way while the rest of us followed Caroline as she guided us around on what to do.

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