1.16 part 2: Answers

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"Hello, Luna," Persephone spoke. She was here. "How can I help you?"

"How about you start telling what the hell is going on!" I was angry and annoyed. I had every right to be. I was led to believe this world is going to be just as I saw it in my own. Minus a few small changes. These are not small! "You led me to believe there are only a few small changes from what I have seen on TV. But there are more than just small things. How about you explain that?"

Emily had an extra talisman. Damon never loved Katherine and is hell-bent on killing her. He loved Enzo. And soulmates are a thing. And I don't know anything about it, other than that it's extremely rare to have one, and it's only supernatural creatures who have it. That book Persephone gave me didn't have much information. It was mostly just filled with stories about people finding theirs.

"I understand your frustration, but there are things you must discover for yourself. I can not tell you everything." Persephone explained in an emotionless tone. "And to explain why there are differences, both small and big from what you have seen in your world. It is because what your world has seen in the show is only what has been leaked from this world. Leaks don't contain all the information, there are things left out as the knowledge is limited." She explained further.

Okay, that explains some things. "But what about the soulmate thing? That book you gave me didn't have much in it one that subjects." As I spoke to her, a smile grazed her lips.

"Soulmates are something beautiful. Not many have them, and when they do, it is either because they are extremely powerful, and need something to balance them out. Something to tie them to reality, so they won't lose control and cause destruction and harm. To maintain balance. Or it is destiny and faith putting them together. " Persephone's voice reminded me of a mother telling their child a fairytale story.

"What do you mean 'destiny and faith putting them together'?" I questioned her.

"Sometimes, destiny and faith believe that two or more people are perfect for one another, so they bind them as one. Turning them into soulmates."

"How did Kol know?" I was curious. There aren't many things I don't know about this world. But Kol has lived for one thousand years. His knowledge of the supernatural of this world and its magic is greater than mine. I may know what is yet to be and what has been, but I'm not all-knowing. My knowledge is limited.

"Kol is a curious soul. Even before he lost his magic, he knew much. When he turned, his need for magical knowledge only grew. This is because as he lost his magic, he was desperate to feel any type of connection he could get to magic." She started explaining. She had a solemn look on her face. She felt bad for him, that much was clear. "In the 13th century, Kol learned of soulmates. He saw the beauty in them, and he became obsessed with finding his own. After years of searching, he found a spell that would allow him to see his soulmate. But the spell was old and powerful. He needed a powerful witch. He only found that witch after almost three decades of searching. The witch aided him in exchange for some spell books, and Kol was more than happy to pay. When the witch did the spell, he was met with a vision of a woman with olive skin and black hair. The woman's eyes were blazing a violet color so bright, it was as if he was staring into the sun."

"Me. He saw me." I was stunned. I didn't exist back then. Not in my world, nor this one. How is that possible? "How? I didn't exist in this world back then. I wasn't even born at that time in my world."

"The violet magic flows through your veins, in every cell of your being, always has been. Long before you came to be. It only needed someone worthy to take its power. You may not have existed back then. But the power knew you would. It only needed to wait for the right time."

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