1.14 Making moves

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A/N: Hello everyone! So sorry for not updating in such a long time. Got really sick for 2 weeks, then after that, I got lost in some books I began reading. I'm gonna start updating again and I'm hoping to finish season 1 and start season 2 before the end of November.

I realized that there hasn't been much action in this book, and I realized that it's because of how boring season 1 was. But as season 2 begin, more and more action is to come.

Because of the actions and choices made by Luna, episode 14 where Elena and Bonnie get kidnapped never really happened, so I'm gonna make it my episode.

!⚠️Important⚠️! I don't remember who knows about Luna's ability to know the future, past, and present. But let's make it so no one knows but Damon and Caroline. Okay, great! Chose not to let Bonnie know, since she would probably tell Elena, who would then tell Stefan. And I don't want that.

Anyway, so sorry for the long A/N, but here is the chapter.


Nothing is going on today, so that leaves me open all day to make more important moves. Right now I'm waiting at home for Caroline to come over and help me with a few things. I feel bad, lately, I and Caroline haven't done anything together. I was either busy keeping everything moving as it should or making my changes, and she was busy planning some town functions.

When Caroline got to the house, we made our way to my car and started the journey.

"So, where are we going?" We were catching up when Caroline finally remembered she had no idea where we were going. She only knew it was something to prevent trouble in the future.

"We, dear blond friend, are going to a crypt in Charlotte." I simply explained to her.

"Why? What's there? Whoo! Is there some secret powerful spell book buried there!?" Her voice filled with excitement.

"Remember when I told you about the original family? Well, right now we are going to the place containing papa original. He was desiccated by Bonnie's mother. We are going there to kill him."

"Woah. I did not expect that."

While driving I explained to her more about the original family and Papa original.

We arrived at the cemetery, got out of the car, and made our way to where I could sense the vampiric magic. When we got there the doors were sealed with a spell. I raised my hand bringing forth a ball of violet energy. Sending it forward, I blast the doors of their hinges.

"I'm never gonna get tired of seeing that," Caroline commented offhandedly.

In the middle of the room lay a big stone coffin, attached to the ground. I brought forth my magic, covering the lid of the coffin in violet tendrils, and opening it, revealing Mikael. He and his wife are the real monsters of the original family.

"That's Mikael?" Caroline asked me.

"Yes. He is the monster of monsters. He is the one the monsters fear. But that changes today. For today, we shall end his existence on the mortal plane, and a problem he shall no longer be." I raised my hands above my head calling for my magic. The violet tendrils covered him and the room, all searching for the white oak stake I knew he had. I don't remember if it was on him or not, but I'm not taking the chance of him waking up while I look for it, and then trying to eat me. No thanks, I died once, not feel like doing it another time.

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