2.18 The Sacrafice

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A/N: Hello everyone! First, I would like to say thank you all so much for the 3k votes! Also, this is the last chapter of season 2, meaning season 3 is next. I did mention this a while back but season 3 will essentially follow its own storyline. This is because of all the changes that have taken place, there is no way season 3 will go like in the show. Now! Some things will of course happen like in season 3.

1. Chicago and searching for werewolves.
2. The Mikaelson Ball.
3. Ester.
And then there are things I will add myself.
1. Kai will come.
2. Free the wolves in New Orleans.
3. Save Davina and deal with the witches.

I am thinking of having the second half of season 3 take place in New Orleans. This is because it will fit the storyline I want.
What do you guys think?

Side note. Long ass chapter, but 100% worth it. I am really happy and proud about this chapter. I wanted to make it as special as possible considering this is the season/act 2 final. BTW, any questions feel free to ask, especially if something is confusing to you. I'm more than happy to explain.


Luna's pov

Today was the day, or more accurately. Tonight was the night. The sacrifice will happen. Everything is dealt with. Katherine is human and will be used for the human sacrifice. The werewolf is one of those psychopaths from Jules's pack. The moonstone was of course the easiest part since I always had it.

I had made a plan with everyone. They were a little reluctant but agreed in the end. The plan is simple. At the ritual, there will only be me and Elijah. Everyone else will stay at home until further notice. Even though they didn't want me alone with them, since they still didn't trust them. They knew they had no choice in the matter. My word is always final. Which I'm more than happy for, since this way there won't be constant arguments.


3rd person pov

The full moon shined clear in the sky. Elijah was with Luna as they were getting everything ready. Klaus was at his place getting ready to leave. He's the witch Maddox was coming with.

Luna was standing at the top of the clearing with Elijah behind her. She called forth flames making 3 rings of fire appear. With a wave of her hand, violet smoke appeared and disappeared in each of the circles leaving what was needed.

Katherine the human sacrifice. Some random werewolf. A human turned vampire. She had gotten him from a prison in Arizona (Just some random state). He was convicted of murdering his wife out of jealousy.

"Where is he?" Elijah asked impatiently.

"No need for your complaining Elijah. I am here." Klaus's voice spoke out on the night. He came through the trees with Maddox following slowly behind him.

"Shall we begin then?" Luna asked Klaus as he took a stand between her and Elijah. Her gaze traveled to Maddox, but he quickly looked away. She could feel the emotions, he was excited to meet her, but also afraid of her. Like teenager meeting their idol.

"Yes, let's just get this over with," Elijah stated. He wanted this to go as fast as possible so he could get his sibling back.

"Who will be doing the spell?" Klaus questioned Luna. He had Maddox for the spell originally, but he thinks Luna might want to do it herself.

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