2.17 Preparations

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A/N: Hello! Don't hate me! I am so sorry for not updating in over a week. Just got Watch Dogs Legion, so I have been playing that. I also have a psychology exam on Thursday, meaning you won't be getting another chapter for around a week unless I get a rush of energy in the middle of the night.


There is a full moon in a week. I called Elijah and told him about what happened. He was surprised about his brother accepting the deal so easily, but after explaining what happened in more detail, he found what occurred amusing.

He asked if he could join in getting what I needed. Not seeing a problem with it, I accepted. We were currently walking through the forest near the tomb. The first thing on our list was to get Katherine. The plan was to simply relocate her for the time being, I would turn her human before getting her out.

As me and Elijah stood at the entrance I called out to our future sacrifice.

"Katherine! Come out, come out, wherever you are." I called out to her in a singing tone. A disheveled and tired-looking Katherine came out from the darkness, looking at us in annoyance and spite. "Oh, come on Kitty Kat. Don't look at me like that. Damon is my little brother. Did you really think I would let you live in peace after I learned what you did to him?" I rhetorically asked her amused by her hate.

"I at least thought you would deal with me yourself, not have an original do your dirty work." She replied unbothered by my words.

"I can assure you, Katerina, I am not here to deal with you. I am simply here to help Luna with whatever she may need." Elijah stated in a monotone voice. Something that was a regular with him.

"So, you're just there to look pretty." The soon-to-be ex-vampire replied with a smirk.

"Please refrain from flirting with him, as I am mere moments from ripping your vampirism out of you," I stated unamused by her antics.

Hearing my words, Katherine's cocky expression turned to one of shock. Her eyes almost bulging out of her skull. The sight was more than amusing. She tried to say something, but the shock kept her quiet.

"I sense your confusion, Katherine, let me explain. You see, Klaus is here." Her shock increased tenfold as I spoke. "And to make sure the least amount of damage happens I have made a deal with him. Let me handle what is needed for the ritual and that's it."

"So that's why? You want to use me as the doppelgänger sacrifice while Elena gets to walk away." She sneered.

"No, my dear. The plan is for the least amount of damage to happen. To keep the people I care for safe. By getting what is needed myself, no one of importance will come to harm." I simply explained to her. "Now! Shall we start Elijah, or do you have some words for her?" I wondered. They did have something before.

"No, I believe there is nothing to say." He stated unbothered.

I raised my hands, calling forth my magic. Violet tendrils appeared, dancing around my hands. Two bright orbs of violet energy resided on my palms. I aimed my hands at her, the violet tendrils extending. Katherine started to freak out as the tendrils wrapped themselves around her body, keeping her in place.

Katherine was about to plead for her life but a tendril wrapped itself around her mouth, effectively silencing her. My magic flowed through the place, the air itself gaining a violet tint. My eyes blazing their violet color. I let out a whisper, my voice echoing through the place, heard by them both as clear as day.

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