1.1 The Beginning

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During the summer, I taught Enzo about the new world and technology. After two weeks, he decided to take a vacation across the world. Before he went, he promised that he would come back.

During the rest of the summer, I learned to control and wield my magic as an extension of myself. Now I am a strong telepath and have great control of my magic.


Today is the day of the plot. Aka, the first day of school. As usual, I got up, took a shower, brushed my teeth, and ate breakfast. I put on simple black jeans, black 2-inch heels, a black turtle neck, and a long crimson coat. (If you don't like the outfit, then you can choose whatever you want, I don't mind) I got in my dark blue Jeep and drove to my new school.

I'm so excited. Finally, I'm gonna meet the Scooby gang. During the summer, I made sure that none of the Scooby gang would see me or learn of me.

Driving up to the school, I parked my car and got out. All eyes were on me. Their minds echo like one, yet at the same time, like a thousand singular voices drowning one another out. People were curious, and that's understandable. Walking like I owned the place, I blocked out all their thoughts as I made my way to the front doors. On the way to the front desk, I saw them. The Doppelgänger and the Bennett witch.

They were looking into the office. My guess is that baby Salvatore is in there. I made my way past them, not even giving them a single glance. I got there just as baby Salvatore finished getting his schedule.

"Hello, I'm Luna Blacksmith, and I'm here for my schedule," I told the receptionist with a sweet smile.

I saw baby Salvatore flinch. Good, my cloaking spell worked. This means I am now 100% undetectable to vampires. I made it so that the spell didn't work on other supernatural species because I didn't want to hide. To go undetected. I want the world to know. This way, witches will think twice about messing with me or someone I care about. Hopefully, help me get in contact with some useful living and dead witches.
I do wonder, though, can the original family still sense me, or is it limited to just normal vampires? That is what the cloaking spell was originally cast for.

"Yes, Ms. Blacksmith. I have your schedule right here." She said, handing me it.

"Thank you." After she gave it to me, I left the office walking right past the Bennett witch. But as I passed the girl, I and the Bennett witch made eye contact. I made sure to send her a friendly smile while simultaneously sending a wave of power and magic towards her. I know she doesn't know of her witch side, but that doesn't mean I can't plan. What I have now done will make it so that it will be easier for her to trust me in the future. Before she was out of my vision, I saw Bonnie with a bright smile.


I was on my way to history class. On the way there, I saw my favorite blond bombshell, Caroline Forbes. As I was walking, we caught each other's gaze. She looked at me with curiosity. As we were about to pass each other, I made sure to send her a big, friendly smile, making her send one too.

Good. Now, I have made more than a good impression on Bonnie and Caroline. Now, the only ones left are baby Salvatore and the alcoholic Salvatore. Maybe even Elena. Maybe. Okay, maybe not.

I had just gotten to my history class. I took my seat in the back, away from the eyes of the students. I know I missed baby Salvatore and Elenas' first meeting outside the bathroom, but honestly, I'm okay with that. Never really cared for that scene.

"Once our home state of Virginia joined the Confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state." The teacher started the lesson, but I just decided to block him out.

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