2.11 By the Light of the Full Moon

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It was the day after and I was currently with Bonnie and Caroline in Elenas's bedroom. Yesterday while we were at Slaters, Stefan, Bonnie, and Jeremy had gone to the tomb. Jeremy had joined them after helping Tyler.

Essentially everything happened just like in the show with those idiots. Although Bonnie was more than powerful enough to deal with Katherine, Jeremy didn't believe it and stole some powder she had made to neutralize her.

Bonnie was not happy at all because of what Jeremy did. She took it as a big insult that Jeremy didn't think she was strong enough. I'm pretty sure Bonnie barely tolerates the Gilbert boy at this point.

In the process of doing that, he went to the tomb unnoticed and tried getting the moonstone. Long story short, Stefan is in the tomb with Katherine and they have gotten the "Moonstone" out. Unfortunately for them, it's a fake and I have the real one.

"Now that you have gotten in back, what are you going to do with it?" Elena asked us as she held the fake moonstone in her hand.

"I don't know. The plan was to see if there was a way to remove the curse from the stone, but Luna says it's impossible." Bonnie explained to her.

"Is there really no way?" Caroline asked me worriedly.

"Unfortunately no. The curse is bound to not only the stone but the full moon as well. It draws power from it. With every full moon, the spell grows stronger. If I had the stone within a couple of centuries of when the curse was bound to it, then I would be able to. But it has existed for far too long." I explained to them.

"So that's it? There is nothing we can do?" Bonnie asked me worriedly. She didn't want her friend in danger.

"There is nothing to be worried about." Elena started. "Luna said she has a plan, and so far it seems to be working. I have faith in her. I believe she will save me." She said not so worried.

"What about Stefan? When are we gonna get him out of the tomb?" Caroline directed her question at me and Bonnie since we were the only ones with the power to do so.

"Stefan, huh? I didn't know you two were friends." Bonnie commented, teasing her a little.

"It's nothing. We have just been spending some time together as friends." Caroline quickly stated. "Can we go back to what we're going to do?" She said trying to change the subject.

"This is what we are gonna do." I started. "I'll do it later on my own. Bonnie will stay here with Elena in case Elijah comes around. Caroline, you will come with me and we will free Stefan. Jeremy will be busy with Tyler and helping him with his werewolf business." I stated.

The reason why I want to bring Caroline with me is to bring her and Stefan closer. Even though there was barely any Stefan x Caroline on the show, I always liked them. Plus Caroline is a vampire, a very powerful one. She will be good for him. She will make him more free. Stefan just needs to get Elena out of his head especially since they aren't even together.

"Wait. What do you mean by in case Elijah comes by?" Elena asked me, worry finally seeping into her.

"Knowing Elijah, he would want to come and check up on you since he needs you for his brother. But unlike his brother, he wouldn't just come barging in and threaten everyone. He would want to manipulate you. He would want to come to you and appear as your ally. Then he would make a deal with you with his silver tongue. Make a deal with you without you knowing what the deal is." I explained to her.

If I remember correctly this is the episode where Elijah and Elena make a deal. Safety for cooperation.

"What kind of deal?" Caroline asked curiously.

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