2.5 A date

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A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for all the votes, it really means the world to me. It gives me the motivation that I need to write more. So sorry for not updating in a while. Been addicted to Horizon Forbidden West, it's officially my favorite game in the world and I hope you guys might want to try it out or watch a gameplay of it. If so I recommend watching theRadBrad's gameplay.

I also didn't have access to HBO Max, which is what I need to write most chapters, but I have it back now. This chapter won't need me to watch the show as it doesn't need Luna in it, so this chapter will be all about Kol and Luna <3<3<3

Anyway, Love you all and I hope you enjoy it!



I looked at the dagger in his chest, my hand wrapped around it. And with one pull, I removed the dagger. Releasing him from his slumber. Now, I just need to wait.


It had been a few minutes since I pulled the dagger out of his chest when a gasp broke the silence. Sitting up from his coffin, Kol Mikaelson looked around the room, trying to gain his bearings. As he was looking around the room, a look of realization crossed his face. His eyes, quickly shoot towards me.

Before I could speak, he used his vamp speed to embrace me in a hug, lifting me from the ground as laughter escaped him. He spun me around making me share in his laughter. Joy was oozing out of him a strong waves. I didn't even have to try to sense his emotions, that's how strong they were.

As he placed me down, his gaze met mine, tiers pricked at his eyes.

"I remember." He spoke in a whisper. I raised his hand carefully caressing my cheek. "Hello, beautiful."

"Hello Mischief. It is good to finally have you among the living." I spoke as I placed my hand on his.

As we gazed into each other's eyes, I noticed a faint white glow coming from our wrists. I took his hand a placed it in front of me so I could get a closer look. It was our soul marks. The fox mark on my wrist was glowing a faint white and gold color, the same as Kol's.

Kol had a mark of a quarter moon with a star in the middle of it. That was his soul mark. He didn't have the mark on the other side, only his body did. I think it was because it became visible when he was daggered. This is the first time either of us has seen it.

"They are calling to one another," Kol explained. From what I had read about soulmates that Persephone didn't tell me when two soulmates are physically touching one another, their marks would call to one another by shining a white and gold color. It only happens the first few times, after that the glow stops, but other things start happening.

One of the most common things is feeling the other's strong emotions and sense if they are badly hurt. Unlike Kol, I can already sense his emotions because of my emphatic powers.

"They will stop before tomorrow night. Until then, come. I want to show you around." I took his hand in mine and started to walk him out of the room. As we walked through the door we were met with the outside of the Salvatore boarding house. Instead of calling forth the door in the same room as before, I just made it lead to the front door.

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