1.18 Uncle John

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After yesterday's day with Damon and Caroline, I was finally refreshed and ready for the world. In the original timeline, Elena fed Stefan her blood after he was hurt, because he was tortured by the tomb vampires. He would get all high on blood and become a blood junkie. But thanks to the tomb vampires not being in the picture, that never happened. And even if it did, thanks to my spell, Stefan is no longer a ripper and has a healthy diet of human blood. Damon still makes jokes about him having been a vegan vampire, but that's just Damon.

Today was a Founder's Day celebration or something. Honestly, I have no idea. All I know is it's a party for, or about the "founding families". Fuckers didn't even do anything. There were already people here. Bonnie's ancestors are more of a founding family than any of them. Unfortunately, the world back then where ruled by white men with money. God, I would kill so many people if I was alive back then.

Right now I was at the party just drinking some wine. I came here with Damon. Caroline is at her dad's. Bonnie is still with family. Elena is here, as well as her uncle. Stefan is here, chatting with Damon. About what, I don't know, nor do I care.

Stefan compelled the DJ to change the dreadful music. Elena is dancing with a drunk Matt. Damon is somewhere. Tonight is one of the few days I don't need to babysit him. I love the idiot, he's one of my best friends but he seriously is more of a child than anything else.

I found Damon. We went outside to get some fresh air. A room full of people you don't like gets tiring quickly. As we stood in silence I could feel someone coming over to us. It was none other than John Gilbert. Jeremy's uncle and Elena's secret dad.

"Damon right?" John's voice rang through the night. His eyes left the vampire and went to me. "I'm sorry, I don't think we have met. I'm John Gilbert." John stretched out his hand, as I stood there with a friendly smile on my face. I really don't like John, but I'm not meant to know him, so I'm gonna have to play that part for now.

I shook his hand and introduced myself. John sent me a friendly smile. I could feel his paranoia. His mind was loud with thoughts. He was wondering if I was a vampire, or if I was Damon's blood bag. It amused me. He had no idea what I was, or how powerful I was.

"John." Damon greeted him.

"We didn't get a chance to meet at the meeting." John started off speaking to him, already forgetting of my presence. I don't mind people not thinking I'm here. It puts their guard down. Let me hear things I probably shouldn't hear. It helps get information.

"It's a pleasure." Damon greeted him."Are you enjoying the kickoff?"

"Oh, yeah. I forgot how much fun these small-town celebrations can be."

Yeah, yeah. When we the last time you were here?" Damon started questioning him.

"It hasn't been that long. My brother's funeral." Yeah, his crazy vampire torturing ass of a brother. I wish I could kill his ass for what he and that society did to Enzo and Damon.

"How long have you two been in town?" John questioned us. I'm surprised he remembered me being here with all his attention on Damon.

"Not that long," Damon answered him.

"I haven't been here long either. Got here before the summer." I told him.

"So what do you think Damon? Do you think this animal problem is real? It's a potential blood bath." John was referring to the vampires. But since he doesn't know that I know. He has to use a different word for it. He can't take the risk of saying vampire with someone unknown around.

"I wouldn't overreact, John."

"Oh, I think it's like 1864 all over again. Wild and dangerous animals running amuck." John took a step closer."We're gonna have fun hunting them down, throw them in church, burn them to ash."

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