Summer before the beginning 

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While I was at the grill, I searched my pockets to see if I had anything on me. I found a wallet with i bank card that wasn't mine and house keys with an address on it. From the looks of it, and by just guessing, I believed that the card was where the unlimited money Persephone talked about came from. While the keys are for the house she gave me. After eating and a little bit of searching, I found the house near the outskirts of town. It looked perfect. It's big enough to house at least one whole family of 6 or 2 small families of 4 - 3.


It has now been a week, and I was in my living room making a little plan for summer break before the show was meant to start.
I already had some ideas for what I was going to do. The first one is to go and save Enzo. Learn magic and how to use my powers. The first part would be easy enough, but the second one will take time and a lot of effort. Hopefully, I can get some grimoires from Persephone.


Today was the day I was going to go and save Enzo. From what I remember from the show, Enzo is currently trapped at The Augustine Society at Whitmore College. During the week, I got some grimoires from Persephone and gained some control of my magic. While getting ready to go and save Enzo, I made sure to bring some blood bags I had gotten from the hospital with the help of a little witch compulsion. That power is something I have since I'm not a normal witch. And let me tell you, I love it.

I had also gotten myself a car. I lovely dark blue Jeep that screams 'I have money and I'm better than you'. I also got i daylight ring made ready for Enzo in case he doesn't have one or I can't find his.


After some driving, I finally arrived at Whitmore College in the middle of the night. As I walk up to the front door of the college, I call for my magic, making it appear as violet tendrils flowing and moving like snakes around my body. With a ball of magic in my hand, I blast the door, making sure everyone knows of my presence. This will make it easier to take out the guards, as they will be coming after me, and I won't have to wait for them later on or seek them out.

Walking through the place, the alarms have already been activated. Everyone is panicking. Those few that come running at me are quickly disposed of with a simple snap, as the violet tendrils seek them out, snapping their necks, waiting until they come across Wes. The man I need the most.

After a few minutes, most of the workers and guards are lying on the ground dead. Normally, I wouldn't be this violent and heartless, but these people are willingly a part of the society that tortures innocent vampires. In my opinion, that makes them less than human and undeserving of the gift of life.

And there he is. Wes Maxfield. The man of the hour. "I have been looking for you, Mr. Maxfield, " I said with something between a smile and a smirk covering my face.

"Who are you?" He asked fear written across his face as the violet tendrils of my magic keep him in place.

"I am Celeste. I am here for someone special, " I said with a sweet and calming voice. I decided to give him a false name, cuz why not? In my opinion, if you are ever going to give someone your name, but you don't trust them or you simply don't want them to know. Give them a false name. There may be something that you wouldn't mind being your name. You just have to remember those names in case you are to meet them again if you want to keep up your act.

"Who?" He asked.

"I am looking for a man. His name is Lorenzo St. John. Do you know him and where I could find him?" I asked as I made one of the violet tendrils enter his temple, taking control over his mind and making him nothing but a slave to my commands. I don't enjoy doing that, taking someone's free will from them. But for what he has done. It would make me silly to care.

"He's down in the basement," he said in a montane voice, a violet tint to his eyes, showing that he was under the influence of my magic.

"Thank you," I said with a sweet tone. "Please show me the way." We started moving, and after a few minutes, we reached the basement.

And there he is. Lorenzo St. John, or as he goes by, Enzo.

"Hello beautiful, you must be new," Enzo said. He was just lying there. His back leaning against the wall as he sits on the filthy ground. His voice was low and tired.

"Oh no! I am not with them! I am here to help you, " I said with a kind smile. "And to show you I am on your side, I will be giving you some special gifts. Come to me, Mr. Maxfield" Wes then came to me, still not in control of his own body.

"What is this? What are you doing?" Lorenzo asked, confused.

"I am giving you your gifts. Your first gift is freedom. " My hand became covered in violet mist. As I waved my hand, Enzo's cell door opened. "Your second gift from me is Mr. Maxfield. You can do whatever you please with him, " I said with the kindest and warmest smile I could muster up.

Enzo was confused, that much I could tell. But the moment Mr. Maxfield went inside the cell, Enzo attacked him, drinking him dry in seconds.
"Well, that was fun. But what now?" He asked still weary.

"Now we are going home." A big smile covered my face.


After a long and silent car ride, we finally arrived at my house. "Please make yourself feel at home. There is blood in the fridge, and a room with your name on it on the second floor, " I told him after inviting him into my house.

"Why are you doing this?" Pain and vulnerability filled his voice.

I turn my head towards him, with a sweet smile on my face. "You sweet, poor innocent child. You have suffered so much and never deserved an ounce of it. I am doing this because you are an innocent soul tortured by evil men believing themselves to be good." I told him, with a calm and sweet tone holding my hand softly against his cheek. Like a mother would speak to her child.

Enzo didn't say anything, his eyes stinging with unsheathed tears. I looked him in the eyes. I can't even imagine the pain he has gone through, both mental and physical.

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything. Just know that I am here for you. You are no longer alone." I said with a calm and caring voice. As I finished speaking, I went up to him engulfing him in a warm hug. Making sure he knows I speak the truth.

He just broke down and started sobbing. I just held him tighter, making sure he knew I was there for him. That he is no longer alone.


Somewhere unknown

"She is good, kind and caring." A male voice could be heard saying. "She didn't have to save him. She could have left him there instead of risking her life for his, especially when she is still new to her powers and lack full control."

"Yes, she could have, but she didn't." A female voice uttered. "She is special. And soon, she will know just how special she is."

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