1.16 Little Mischief

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It was the next day and me and Damon were training in my training room. Which was located in my basement. I wanted to test my increasing strength, and what better way to do that than to fight a vampire?

He was in a normal t-shirt and jeans while I was wearing full-on workout clothes.

We were swinging our fists left and right. Both trying to get a hit in. We dodged most of each other's hits, both only getting in a few lucky punches. Damon's fist came towards my face, I grabbed it before it made contact. I twisted it breaking his wrist, then with one kick to the stomach from me. Damon was sent flying to the wall.

We were both breathless. I stood there smiling down at the vampire, enjoying the new strength I possessed.

"When the hell did you get so strong?" Damon groaned standing slowly up. he stretched a little, only for a loud crack sound to be heard. "Oh, God."

"I have no idea." I was smiling like a fool. "There were a few times where I noticed I was strong, but as time went by, I felt stronger. I don't know why, but I love it. My strength is close to becoming equal to your own."

"Do you know when it started happening? When did you first really notice the strength?" Damon asked me confused, as he was sipping from a blood bag. I took a seat on the floor, drinking some water. I thought of when I first truly noticed my increase in strength.

"It was after we came back from Georgia. I was checking my books for some info I needed, but when I found everything crossed out I got angry and punched my wall. But I didn't just punch my wall, my fist went through the wall." I explained to him. It was when I tried finding more information on what Bree told me in the bar. "Thanks to the magic running through the walls, the hole fixed itself."

"I think we should test it out some more. See if it grows, and if we can, how fast it's growing." Damon suggested. I simply nodded agreeing with him. "But for now, let's keep it to ourselves. We need to know more before we tell someone."

"I won't tell anyone except for Caroline, but that's simply because I don't want to."

"Why Caroline?" Damon asked me confused. "And why not Bonnie too if you're gonna tell her?"

"Caroline and you are my best friends Damon. I can trust you both 100%. But I can't with the others. Bonnie would tell Elena breaking my trust. Elena would probably find a way to use it to her advantage in the future. And Stefan would let his emotions dictate his actions. That's why I don't tell them things. Only you and Caroline."

After our workout, me and Damon took a shower and ate breakfast. We were out of bourbon so Damon and I decided to go to the boarding out to get some. When we got there we were met by Anna and her mother Pearl.

"Hello, Damon, Luna." Pearl, Anna's mother greeted us.

"Ever hear of knocking?" Damon sarcastically replied.

"An invitation wasn't necessary. I'm surprised that no living person resides here. Is it just you and your brother?" Questioned Pearl.

"Yeah, how do you keep out unwelcome vampires?" Anna asked him.

"Well, to be honest, I don't stay here often anymore. Usually, just stay at Luna's. But, I would kill them." Damon explained. Damon sped up to Pearl with his vampire speed, grabbing her neck.

Pearl didn't even flinch. With a neutral expression, Pearl grabbed his arm twisting it, forcing him to realize her.

"Damn," Damon spoke, with a strained voice. Only to be thrown to the ground by Pearl.

"Have a seat, Damon, Luna. I was hoping we could have a word." Damon and I both took a seat on one of the couches.

"Sure." He replied.

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