2.10 Part 2: The Sacrifice

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A/N: This is part 2 of episode 10. The first part was Luna finally learning what she is after so long. And this one is back to the show.


After talking with Persephone and finally learning the truth, I was looking through a grimoire I had gotten a while back, I remembered it had a spell for magic siphoning. Hopefully, it will help with taking away Katherine's vampirism and make her human.

As I was looking through the grimoire I got a call from Caroline. She told me about Tyler's first full moon coming up and asked for help. I had told her to leave Tyler to me and to tell him that I would help him with everything. She thanked me ending the call.

I was packing my things and getting ready to go to Tyler when I got a call from Rose. She was staying at the Salvatore's for a bit until Trevor came back from his journey somewhere in North America. He was there getting something for me. It is so nice to have vampires do things for you.

Rose had told me that she was with Elena at Slater's place. Elena had wanted to talk with Slater in hopes of getting information that could help us. Unlike in the original timeline, Elena wasn't there to call Klaus. She had heard from Stefan about Slater, who heard from Damon. From there Elena had gotten Rose to take her there.

Apparently, Slater wasn't at home but in France. After he had gotten his daylight ring he had gone and planned a vacation alone across Europe. But when Elena and Rose got there, Rose saw Slater's girlfriend secretly send a message to someone connected to Klaus.

She had probably hoped that by giving Klaus the doppelgänger, he would turn her into a vampire.

I took my bag and teleported outside of Slater's apartment. I made my way inside seeing Elena with a glass of water.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned her. Elena who didn't know I was there, gasped, quickly turning around and facing me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me confused as Rose came into the room.

"I called her." The vampire stated, making her presence known.

"Why?" Elena asked her confused.

"Because while you were too busy looking at the screens, I saw Alice send a message to one of Klaus' contacts."

"Why are you two even here?" I asked them annoyed.

"I heard about Slater and wanted to see if he could give me some information to help. All you have done so much to help me is just wanted to do something to help too." She explained. At least she didn't come here to sacrifice herself. "Wait, if one of Klaus' contacts is on their way, why aren't we running," Elena asked us confused, fear seeping into her.

"Because then they would just follow us," Rose explained to her. "That's why I called Luna. She could easily deal with them."

"Rose is right. They would just follow you if you were to run. Rose, bring me Alice. I need to make her forget everything. Elena, you came here in hopes of gaining some information. Go back to the computers and try and find something on siphoning spells. I need it to save you from the ritual. I'll wait here until those contacts come." I ordered them.

Elena and Rose nodded walking away. After a few moments, Rose walked back to me with Alice in her grip.

"Who are you." The stupid little human asked me. Why on earth would she think it was okay to contact someone to get to Klaus? If she knew anything about Klaus, she would know he would kill her. And if not him, his goons would.

"You don't get to talk." I glared at her, my eyes blazing their violet color, showing my annoyance with her. Her eyes widened in shock and fear.

As I walked up to her, Alice tried to step back but was held in place by Rose.

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