1.21 Founder's Day

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Today is something. I have no idea what, but something is going on today. There's this whole parade and everyone is in costumes, that make them look like they're from the Civil War era. I wouldn't wanna be caught dead in one of those dresses. They are kind of pretty, but very painful to wear.

I was with Caroline, Bonnie, and Matt taking pictures.

"Say cheese." Bonnie readied the camera, getting ready to take a picture of Caroline and Matt in their costumes.

"Wait. Hide your cast." Caroline stopped Bonnie before she could take the picture. "It's not era-appropriate."

Bonnie takes the picture as Tyler is making his way over to us.

"I wanna take one with Luna and Bonnie." Caroline gestured towards us.

"Here, I can take it," Tyler spoke, making his presence known. Matt still didn't like him and with good reason. Before anyone could say anything, Matt made his way to the float.

"I said I was sorry." The wold boy said as if it would make anything better.

"You made out with his mother, then beat him to a pulp. You're gonna have to do a lot more than sorry." Caroline told him as if it was the most obvious thing. And it was Tyler just an idiot.

"Well, why is no one talking about how Luna threw me like 10 feet away, then held me in a chokehold against the wall," Tyler exclaimed.

"You deserved it. And choke hold? Don't be so dramatic." I scoffed at him. I might have held him a little too hard against the wall, but he could breathe just fine.

Shortly after the parade started. Caroline was on the top of hers, shown as the queen. There was one from the history department of the school and music. It was nice.


It was night time and the fireworks were about to begin. The mayor made his little speech and as it finished, the fireworks were launched. Right on cue, I could feel the magic coming from the device. It had now been activated.

If everything is going like it's supposed to, then Mayor Lockwood is going to die. Tyler is gonna crash the car while driving Caroline and Matt. They will also put the old Gilbert clinic on fire.

As I was walking around, I could see a confused and enraged John Gilbert.

"John. Isn't it a lovely celebration?" I asked him, giving him a little smile.

"What did you do!?" John asked me angrily.

"Why the anger? Did something happen?" I asked him with fake confusion.

"Where are they? Where are the tomb vampires?" John looked around confused.

"Oh, them. I killed them a long time ago." I spoke without a care in the world, looking at my nails. John whipped his head around, staring at me in shock.

"What?" He asked perplexed.

"You heard me." I slowly walked up to him. "I. Killed. Them. All." As I spoke to him, my voice changed. Instead of the normal voice he first heard. It changed to that of a monster. My voice echoed in the night. It seemed like it was being carried by the wind itself. "You have no idea who you're dealing with. I want you to listen to me, and listen to me closely. If you ever come after someone I love, then I will give you a faith worse than death." My eyes blazed their violet color. Fury is evident in my voice.

John's breath was caught in his throat. He tried to speak, but nothing came out. As I neared him, he took several steps back, until his back hit a concrete wall. I was a mere foot away from him. "Do you understand?" My voice was back to normal, my eyes still blazing their violet color. As if staring into his soul.

John could only nod, as no words could form. Without giving him a second thought, I disappeared in a cloud of violet smoke.


I later got a text from Bonnie and Elena that Caroline was at the hospital. The crash happened. I made my way to the hospital where they were. As I got there I heard Bonnie telling Damon to give Caroline his blood.

"Where is she? What's happening to her?" I asked them frantically. I knew she was gonna be okay, but I had to keep up an act.

"She's in surgery, she has some internal bleeding," Bonnie told me, her voice shaking. "Damon offered to give her some of his blood, so now we just need to wait until she is out of surgery to do so."

"Is that okay with you?" Damon asked, looking over at me.

"Of course it is. You're helping her. Only an insane person would say no to your offer." I smiled at him, giving him a quick hug.

Elena looked down in shame, being the only one saying no to Damon healing her. But her expression went unnoticed.

"How did this even happen?" I asked them perplexed.

"Matt said that Tyler was driving, then he heard some noise and lost control of the car. They ended up crashing." Elena told me. I knew all of this already, but I still needed to keep up an act sometimes.

"Tyler wasn't the only one. It was the device. The mayor heard it too. He was affected by it, I saw some officers take him away. But how? They aren't vampires?" Damon asked us.

"I don't know, I would need to know the spell used by Emily first," Bonnie explained to him.

"No need, I know," I told them, gaining their attention. "Emily's spell causes a high-frequency sound to be admitted. It affects anything supernatural, except for witches."

"What else is there?" Damon asked perplexed. Just then I notice Caroline in her room, having come out of her surgery.

"I'll tell you later, right now Caroline is out of surgery. Let's go and give her some of your blood. The faster the better." I changed the subject. Even if I don't tell him, he will find out on his own. Right now my only priority is Caroline.

Me, Bonnie, and Damon made our way to her room. Elena went to talk with Stefan who just arrived. When we got there, Bonnie closed the door and I closed the blinds. I placed up an illusion spell on the room so that if someone were to come inside while we were there, they wouldn't be able to see us.

Damon bit his wrist, drawing blood. He placed his bleeding wound over her mouth, letting the blood flow down her throat. I called forth my magic, hovering my hand over her body. The violet tendrils danced over Caroline. I was checking if it was working, and giving her a little boost in the healing process.

After we were done we all went home. I asked Damon to go and check on Jeremy. He might not like them or care, but since I do, and I was the one to ask, he went. Me and Jeremy became friends after the whole Vicky thing. He was grateful that because of me his memory wasn't erased. I also needed Damon to meet Katherine.


A/N: Hello everyone. This is the season final of Act 1/season 1.

There was a part here in the end where Caroline was killed by Katherine at the hospital. But I see now while I am writing chapter 2.1 that it was too early. So I have removed it, and gonna place it where it belonged.

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