1.13 Children of the Damned

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Today was the day I had to get Emily's grimoire, before any of them. Even though Stefan is more accepting of his brother, I still believe he will go behind his back and get the grimoire for himself. For him, it's not just about releasing Kathrine. It's about the other tomb vampires. But deep down, Stefan doesn't want to lose his brother to her again.

It was early in the morning when I got to the cemetery. When I located Papa Salvatore's grave, I looked around seeing no one was around. I called for my magic, my hands became covered in violet energy. I guided the magic to the soil guiding my magic beneath the ground, looking for the book. When I could feel my magic locating it, I called forth more of it, I could feel it covering the book. With a tug of my hands, the book disappeared from his coffin making it reappear in my hands. God, I love magic. Didn't have to dig anything at all.


Damon called me over to the Salvatore boarding house, wanting to discuss how to locate Emily's grimoire. Damon was sitting on Stefan's bed while I was leaning against the door to his room. Stefan and Elena had just woken up not noticing us. That's until Damon spoke.

"Rise and shine, sleepy heads." Scaring both of them. Quickly they covered their bodies.

"What are you going?" Stefan asked his brother.

"Oh, stop being smutty."

"Get out of here."

"If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it." As Damon spoke, he stood up looking at them with a serious expression. "Now, listen. There's very important business to discuss."

"And it has to be right now?" Elena asked him.

"We have lots to do," Damon told her. "Now that we're all friends and working towards a common goal." Damon went on to explain, what he did not see was Stefan and Elena sharing a look. Meaning they were planning on working against him. We have to put a stop to that. "So to open the tomb, we need to find the journal to get the grimoire to undo the spells. First things first, since you are Elena Gilbert, you're on journal duty."

"Since when am I helping?" Elena asked him.

"Well, Stefan helping. And you have taken up residency in Stefan's bed. Ergo..." He explained to her.

"You don't have to do anything you don't wanna do," Stefan told Elena.

"I'll look for it today." She told him, just wanting to get this over with.

"Good." Damon's voice spoke.

"How do we even know that the journal will hold the location of the grimoire?" Stefan asked his brother. "We're gonna take the word of this vampire? Who seemed more like a dimwit."

"Instead of any other options."

"Okay. What exactly is a grimoire?" Elena asked us.

"It's a witch's cookbook," Damon explained to her. But before anyone else could speak, I cut in not fully liking his explanation.

"It's a witch's book of spells. Every grimoire is unique to the witch or the family it comes from. Every spell a witch casts is unique. Every witch would document their work and pass it on to someone of their bloodline, like their child. But if they don't have any, then the book might get lost to time, or given to someone deemed worthy." I explained to them. Making them both finally realize I was here as well.

"What about our mystery vampire?" Stefan asked us. "Dimwit wasn't working alone so whoever is out there knows who we are."

"And I don't like that disadvantage. So...chop-chop." Damon spoke clapping his hands and making his way to the door, but stopped halfway there. "You know, I like this whole ménage-a-threesome-team thing. It's got a bit of a kink to it. Don't screw it up." And with that, Damon left the room. Leaving only us three left.

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