2.6 Revealing the long hidden Truth

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A/N: Hello everyone! Hope your winter break is going well. Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas.
Sorry for the lack of updates. I will be posting another chapter tomorrow. Finally, the masquerade ball is happening. Elijah is coming soon. Unfortunately, you are gonna have to wait a little longer for that one since I have work on the 28th and the 29th.


3rd person pov: Damon's bedroom at Luna's.

It was around 1 pm when Damon woke up. He and Enzo had stayed up until 3 am last night just talking about everything.

When they finally finished they were both exhausted. They grabbed a blood bag each and went to bed after that.

Damon took his phone from his nightstand seeing a text from Luna. She said not to wake her as she was up all night, so she might sleep through the day. She also had a friend over who was probably gonna sleep through the day as well, and not to bother him either.

He doesn't know who this friend is, but if he hurts her, then he is gonna kill him.

Damon was planning on spending the day with Enzo. The thought alone made him smile and his undead heart skips a beat. But first, he had to do something he was dreading.

Tell his brother the truth. Both Enzo and Luna had told him it's important that he knows.

He got out of bed and took a quick shower, putting on a fresh set of clean clothes.

After he was finished he went and checked up on Enzo. He was in his room, sleeping peacefully.

Taking one final glance at him, Damon made his way to his car driving over to his house.

When Damon got there, Stefan was on his way out.

"Where are you going?" Damon asked his little brother. He couldn't remember if there was anything happening today. Then again, he was only thinking about Enzo for about 99% of the time.

"There is a picnic thing I got to get to," Stefan answered his brother. "Where have you been? Luna said you might be gone for a few days, but wouldn't really tell me anything."

"Let's go inside. There is something I need to tell you."

Seeing the serious look on his brother's face, Stefan didn't say anything. He simply turned around and made his way inside, taking a seat on one of their many couches.

"What is it?" Stefan asked his older brother who is yet to take a seat. Damon was pacing around the room a little. Still trying to pick up the courting to tell his brother about everything.

After finally getting the courage, Damon took a seat on the opposite side of Stefan so they could both look at each other easily.

"There are things I have to tell you. Things I have only ever told two people in this world. But to do that, I need you to not talk, but just listen."

"Damon, you're making me worried. Are you okay?" Stefan asked his brother. He had never seen his brother this way. Terrified. Whatever this was, it was something big. So Stefan decided to just listen, and not talk ones.

"Stefan, I need you to promise me that you will just listen and not talk, okay," Damon told his brother in a serious tone.

"Okay, I promise."

Damon began speaking, starting from the beginning.

"When Katherine came to town in 1864, I didn't think much of it. She was just some girl who had lost her family and now she was staying with us for a while. Less than a few days later, Katherine started flirting with me. It was small comments at first, but I never paid her any mind. She must have noticed it because she began trying harder. One night she tried kissing me and I pushed her away. Next thing I knew she had grabbed me by the neck and held me against the wall. From there she compelled me. She wanted to know why I wasn't trying to get with her like you. Because of the compulsion, I was forced to reveal my deepest secret. She didn't care. She compelled me to like her, to be drawn to her. To love her. But I never did. After we died, only then did I remember everything. And I hated her with every fiber of my being. She stole a part of me. Forced me to shove it far down and fall for her. All while going after you too. That is one of the reasons I hated you for so long. I hated that she used me like that when she had you too. I had no one to send my anger to. But since you were there, that anger got directed at you."

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