Chapter 37- Claw Of The Wild

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On a school bus. Sam Manson is excited.

This is where we find Tucker Foley and a bored Danny Fenton sitting next to his love.

Danny's POV

"Summer camp... How great is this? We can go hiking, and canoeing and exploring. I can't believe you guys aren't excited," Sam spoke to Tucker and I.
"Oh, I'm really excited. Now instead of spending five days a week with these losers, I get to spend two whole months," I shot. Kwan got a paper airplane and hit Mikey with it.
"I can't wait to show you all the wonders nature has to offer," Sam gushed, leaning her head against my left shoulder.
"Does it offer a movie theater? Or a video arcade?," I asked Sam, resting my head on her head.
"Don't worry, Danny. You bring the anti- venom serum, I'll bring the arcade. Here's all the nature we need," Tucker spoke, holding up two handheld games and a game box for Rain Forest Demolition II.
"Rain Forest Demolition II? Oh- ho sweet! Who wants to help me build a virtual Fenton Acres?," I asked, grabbing the game box. Sam sighed and stared down at her brochure.
"I'll stick to the real thing, thanks," Sam commented. The brochure in Sam's hands was a brochure for Camp Skull and Crossbones.

The camp was located on Lake Eerie. The brochure had a picture of the campsite.

The campsite consisted of green grass and a blue lake. Sam rested her brochure on her lap and leaned into my side, getting a better look out of the window.

The real Camp Skull and Crossbones was run- down, old and raggedy.
"Good choice," Tucker sarcastically spoke to Sam. The bus stopped near the mess hall.

The mess hall was also run- down. Sam, Tucker and I got off of the bus, staring at the mess hall.
"Well, the brochure may be outdated, but at least that sign's accurate," I commented. The sign read "Camp Skull and Crossbones on beautiful Lake Eerie".
"Creepy with two "E's" alright. In fact, this may qualify for three," Tucker commented.
"Come on, you guys. There's nothing scary about this place," Sam reasoned.
"Hello, pioneers," Mr. Lancer spoke. Mr. Lancer and Ms. Tetslaff stepped out of the mess hall.

My eyes widened in horror.
"Mr. Lancer? Ms. Tetslaff? What are you doing here?," I asked.
"Please say "Just passing through". Please say 'Just passing through'," students mumbled.
"Children, relax. For the next eight weeks, we're not your teachers," Mr. Lancer reassured. I sighed in relief.
"Better: we're your counselors. So our hold over you no longer stops at 3:00 in the afternoon. It lasts the whole, entire, livelong day," Ms. Tetslaff explained. I gasped.
"Before I burst into tears at the thought of my lost summer, can you tell us where the bathrooms are?," Mikey asked Ms. Tetslaff.
"There aren't any," Ms. Tetslaff answered. I gasped.
"Call of the Wild!," Mr. Lancer yelled in shock.
"Suck it up, Lancer. You're in the wilderness. All the world's your bathroom," Ms. Tetslaff explained, handing a roll of toilet paper to Lester. Lester and Mikey walked into the woods.
"I heard this camp is haunted," Kwan commented.
"Me too. They say there's a monster in the woods at Lake Eerie," Dash added.
"And two in the lake," Paulina commented. Students started to mumble.
"Just what we need: amateur ghost stories," I mumbled to Sam. Ms. Tetslaff blew her whistle.
"Pipe down, campers. This camp is definitely not haunted," Ms. Tetslaff explained. Mikey screamed and ran back to the group.
"There's a ghost monster in the woods, and it took Lester!," Mikey yelled. Mr. Lancer looked horrified.
"Calm down, soldier! There are no monsters at this camp!," Ms. Tetslaff yelled, placing a blanket around a very scared Mikey.
"Tell that to the beast that just ate Lester," Mikey spoke.
"Beast? How big is a beast compared to a monster, anyone?," Mr. Lancer asked, worry evident in his voice.
"We should check out the woods," I said to Mr. Lancer.
"Negative. This camp is now under lockdown. Everyone report to their cabins. Mr. Lancer and I will search for, uh, Lester's remains," Ms. Tetslaff ordered as Mikey and Mr. Lancer screamed.
"It's okay. We'll find Lester. Lancer and Tetslaff won't ruin the whole summer. We can still have fun," Sam reasoned, wrapping her arms around me. I bent my head and placed a soft kiss in Sam's hair.

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