Chapter 33- Urban Jungle

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A fly was eaten by a Venus fly trap. Sam was in a greenhouse, watering the Venus fly trap with a watering can.

Standing outside of the greenhouse with Tucker is where we find Danny Fenton.

Danny's POV

"Take it easy, DeMilo. That's your third fly this morning. And you know you're watching your cholesterol. Hmm, I'm feeling international today. Heh, thanks Sunny. Merci Piere. Kukurasamamayo yashi Yoshi. Nice when countries can come together for a mutual cause. Namely my lunch," Sam spoke, picking fruits from numerous plants before putting them in her lunchbox. Tucker and I walked into the greenhouse, unintentionally leaving the door open.

I wore my winter coat, my arms wrapped around myself in an effort to stop shivering and to keep my teeth from chattering.
"Hey Sam. Ready for school?," Tucker asked as my teeth chattered.
"Close the door. Cold air is not good for the plants. The humidity opens their pores. It could help you sweat off a few inches too Mr. Pie- for- breakfast," Sam spoke to Tucker, closing the door herself.
"And that's wrong, why?," Tucker asked, resting his hands on his stomach. I continued to shiver.
"It's like a meat locker to me. Can you turn up the heat?," I asked Sam.
"What's with you? It must be 95 degrees in here," Sam pointed out.
"I- I don't know. Ever since I got up this morning I just can't seem to get warm," I explained to Sam, walking up to her, pulling her into my chest, trying to steal some of her warmth. As I was walking towards Sam, my hand accidentally brushed Tucker's.

Tucker shivered.
"Man I've heard of ghosts sending chills up your spine but this is too weird," Tucker commented. A fly flew past me.
"I bet I'm coming down with a bug," I said. DeMilo ate the fly.

Tucker walked up to DeMilo.
"Awesome! A veggie that hates veggies as much as I do," Tucker commented. Sam chuckled.
"Let's go guys. No dessert for you tonight, mister," Sam scolded DeMilo. Sam held onto my hand, pulling me behind her.

Tucker walked behind Sam and I. I started to shiver violently.

A cold breeze suddenly entered the greenhouse and froze DeMilo. The three of us started our walk to Casper High.
"Ugh. Urban blight. So thrilled to live in the 21st century," Sam sarcastically spoke, staring at the arcade.
"Me too! That new arcade in the new strip mall next to the new hot dog place looks awesome. And new," Tucker spoke, completely missing Sam's sarcasm. I laughed at Tucker.
"I know. Besides Sam there's nothing wrong with a little p- p- progress," I pointed out, bumping my hip against Sam's lightly.
"Yeah, Vlad's new beautification campaign is very progressive," Tucker pointed out.
"No. Just progressively worse. Seriously, messing too much with nature can be a dangerous thing," Sam explained. I suddenly gasped.

Undergrowth's POV

I screamed as I appeared in front of the ghost boy and his two friends.
"Flesh dwellers. You have caused pain to my children once too often. Now you too shall feel pain. The pain of Undergrowth!," I yelled, screaming as I destroyed buildings.
"Anybody got a weed- wacker?," Ghost Boy's male friend asked.
"Pitiful human race. Your progress has destroyed acres of my children. Now I shall destroy you to make room for my new offspring," I explained.
"I completely dig where you're coming from, but there are better ways to go about this. Start a non- profit. Organize a petition. Or you could destroy things," Ghost Boy's female friend spoke as I continued to destroy buildings.
"Going g- g- g- g- ghost! Sorry, I don't have much of a green thumb. And now neither do you," Danny Phantom quipped, once he transformed into his ghost form and fired an ectoblast at my arm, separating it from my body. I wrapped a vine around Danny Phantom's friends.
"Danny!," Danny Phantom's friends yelled together.
"Undergrowth huh? Looks to me like you're overgrown," Danny Phantom quipped, firing an ectoblast at my head, separating it from my body. I reattached my head to my body.

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