Chapter 8- Life Lessons

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It was a school day. Like every other school day, school buses were crowded with Amity Park students.

We find our hero, Danny Phantom, flying above a school bus, on his way to Casper High, his ghost tail cascading behind him.

Danny's POV

"One good thing about ghost powers: no fighting the school bus crowds," I blissfully commented to myself. My blissful state of mind didn't last long as I was knocked out of the sky by a blast.

I crashed into the water tower. I stood up, drenched in water.
"Thought I forgot about you, Ghost?," Valerie asked me, firing a shot at me. Valerie's aim was atrocious as she hit a support beam on the water tower instead.

I flew above Valerie.
"Nope. But I bet you forgot about that," I quipped at Valerie. The water tower toppled over, just narrowly missing Valerie.

Valerie's dodging kept her completely dry. I flew away as Valerie took off after me.

I fired an ecto- blast at Valerie, pushing her back before my ghost energy died down. Valerie started firing blast after blast at me, forcing me to fly away.
"Look, I don't want to hurt you!," I yelled at Valerie. I turned around to face Valerie, flying backwards through the air, only to find Valerie reaching for something in her pack.
"What makes you think you can!," Valerie yelled at me. Valerie pulled out another gun from her pack.

This gun's barrel was long and sprouted eight more barrels. This gun had nine barrels in total.

Valerie fired at me repeatedly. I formed a hole in my stomach and let the bullets pass through it before making myself whole again.

I clenched my hands into fists and fired an ecto- blast from each fist at Valerie. Valerie's battlesuit took on the full force of my ecto- blasts as my ghost energy died down.

Valerie's hoverboard started to smoke. I started to get angry at Valerie.

I was going to be late for school... Again and I missed out on some more quality one on one time with Sam. I charged up a powerful ecto- blast and was about to send it Valerie's way when Casper High's bell rang.

I finally took in my surroundings and noticed that Valerie and I were in the air above Casper High.
"Later for you, Punk!," Valerie yelled at me.
"I'll be waiting, Creep!," I retorted as Valerie flew away from me. I let my ecto- blast and my ghost energy die down as I turned intangible and phased into the boys' change room.

I transformed back into Danny Fenton, breaking my intangibility and ran towards my first class, Health Sciences, only to collide with Valerie in front of our class.
"Watch it, Punk!," Valerie yelled at me.
"You watch it, Creep!," I yelled at Valerie. Before Valerie and I could go on trading insults, Ms. Tetslaff opened up our classroom door.
"Fenton! Gray! Congratulations! You two stragglers are paired up for a special Health Sciences project," Ms. Tetslaff spoke, picking up something from inside the classroom.
"I now pronounce you man, wife, and child," Ms. Tetslaff spoke, tossing a flour sack with a happy face on it wearing a diaper at Valerie and I. Valerie and I just managed to catch the sack of flour.
"I am so not kissing the bride!," I exclaimed in disgust.
"What makes you think you can!," Valerie yelled at me.

Sam's POV

Tucker and I walked down the halls of Casper High with our flour sack baby much like the rest of the student body. Tucker and I passed by Danny and Valerie.

Danny left Valerie alone with their flour sack baby and ran to catch up with Tucker and I. Danny fell into step with Tucker and I, walking on my right while Tucker was on my left.

I looked over at Valerie and felt a wave of sympathy wash over me as she struggled with her flour sack baby by her locker.
"Let me get this straight: we need to take care of a flour sack and pretend it's our baby?," Danny asked.
"It's supposed to teach us something about shared responsibility," Tucker informed. My eyes found their way to Dash and his flour sack baby.
"Kwan! Go long!," Dash yelled, throwing his flour sack baby to Kwan as if it were a football. Kwan ran down the hall as if he was trying to score a touchdown.
"Well, some of us," Tucker added.
"The only thing it teaches me is how pointless this assignment is," I complained to my two best friends as my eyes found their way back to Valerie, struggling with her flour sack baby and accidently dropping it on the floor.
"Not to mention dangerous! Now I've got to spend a week playing house with an ecto- hating ghostophobe," Danny complained, sulking.
"Don't worry, Danny. Valerie doesn't know your secret, and as far as you go, you don't know hers," I spoke to Danny, resting my right hand on Danny's left shoulder, trying to soothe him. Danny relaxed slightly and smiled softly at me.

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