Chapter 31- Torrent Of Terror

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We find ourselves in the Ghost Zone.
"Order! Order!," an unknown voice yelled. In an observatory there's a bright green eye.
"The Observant High Council tribunal is now in session," the unknown voice spoke. An observant was addressing other Observants in the stands.
"Bring in the prisoner," the observant ordered. A container came out of the ground.
"For centuries the prisoner has plagued the planet Earth with horrible and unpredictable meteorological events. Cities have been wiped out, countless lives have been endangered. Observant high council, what say you?," the observant asked.
"Guilty. Guilty," the high council spoke.
"Before we pronounce sentence, have you anything to say Vortex," the observant offered.
"Yes. Fry!," Vortex wheezed.
"Your weather powers are rendered inert by our spectral barometer, Vortex. There is no possible way for you to escape," the observant explained.
"Oh I wouldn't say that," a guard said. The guard blasted the observant next to him.

The Observants jumped out of their seats, getting ready to attack the guard.
"Who are you?," Vortex asked the guard. The guard took off his helmet.
"Plasmius. Vlad Plasmius," Vlad Plasmius spoke. Vlad broke the glass on the container, freeing Vortex.
"Free. Finally. Free!," Vortex yelled.
"Yes, yes. No need to thank me," Vlad Plasmius spoke.
"Thank you? Vortex thanks no one. You should be rejoicing that I even allow you in my presence. Fly speck. Now stand aside as I unleash the full fury of my power on that meaningless planet Earth," Vortex wheezed.
"Unleashing your power on the Earth? That's funny, that's exactly what I was thinking," Vlad Plasmius spoke.
"Please. I'll do anything you ask," Vortex begged as Vlad Plasmius started to hurt him.
"Yes, yes you will. And I have a vivid imagination," Vlad Plasmius spoke. Oh, boy.

The fruit loop was up to no good again. To put the cherry on top, he was also the mayor of Amity Park!

In Amity Park on a boiling hot day, we find Danny Fenton hanging outside of his home with his two best friends.

Danny's POV

"Man, I can't ever remember it being this hot for so long. Can you Danny?," Tucker asked me.
"Uh oh. Looks like commander crab is fighting the happys again," Sam spoke, poking my cheek trying to get me to smile.
"No worries. My Foley Mood Meddler, patent pending, will take care of that in a flash," Tucker spoke. Tucker placed a helmet on my head.

Two girls were playing beach volleyball and giggling. The beach ball suddenly turned into Tucker's head.
"Hello ladies," Tucker spoke.
"Will you get this thing off of me?," I asked Tucker, pulling the helmet off of my head and shoving it at Tucker.
"Must have some bugs to work out," Tucker mumbled.
"Yeah. In your head," I snapped.
"My dearest citizens. Our current heat wave and subsequent water shortage has thrown Amity Park into a state of emergency. But being as I am your mayor, and many of you are undoubtedly questioning why or even how you voted for me, I vow that the fortunes of Amity Park are about to change with this. My very own rain machine," Vlad spoke, suddenly appearing on my street, holding a device.
"There's no way Vlad's going to make it rain with that thing," Tucker commented.
"So why's he wasting his time here?," I asked Tucker.
"Because you dad is Vlad's biggest supporter?," Tucker suggested.
"Give me a V! Give me an L! Come on people work with me here," my dad yelled at our neighbors. Dad continued to cheer.
"Ugh. He's probably going to keep this up until Vladisn't the mayor anymore," I groaned.
"Will we have to deal with your cruddy attitude til then, too?," Sam asked me.
"I'm sorry, guys. I- I just can't help being embarrassed. And annoyed. It's not like I can turn off my emotions," I explained to Sam and Tucker.
"If only Vlad's machine could change your mood swings. He'd be on to something," Tucker pointed out.

Vortex's POV

"Well I'll have to work on that, won't I? But for now my loyal constituents will have to settle for a change of the weather," Vlad spoke.
"So that dolt is tired of the heat wave he ordered. Very well then. Let there be rain!," I yelled.

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