Chapter 36- Frightmare

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Casper High. Not the Casper High we're familiar with however.

This Casper High is the Casper High of Danny Fenton's dreams. Dreamland, Casper High, the cafeteria.

This is where we find Danny Fenton holding his lunch tray.

Danny's POV

I was in a great mood. I walked towards a cafeteria table, a white piece of paper in my pocket.

The paper in my pocket had "SCIENCE TEST" written on it in blue. In purple letters and on the inside of a red circle was an "A+".

Tucker and Dash were glaring at me.
"Oh, no! Dash is going to destroy Tucker! Guys, wait! Violence is never the answer," I reasoned with Tucker and Dash as I walked up to them.
"Well, look who's finally here. I've been waiting for ya, Fenton! No seriously, we've been saving your seat for like ten minutes. Where ya been, buddy?," Dash asked me, pulling out a chair for me to sit on. I stared at Dash in surprise, eyeing the seat wearily.

The football team walked up to me and started chanting my name. I stared at the newspaper on Dash's table.

The headline read "CASPER HILITES, FENTON THROWS WINNING PASS". There was a headshot of me, in a football uniform, holding a football in the newspaper.

I picked up the newspaper.
"Three seconds left in the game, and you call a reverse! You're the best quarterback Casper's ever had!," Dash praised.
"I am? I- I- I- I mean I am. Speaking of comic book villains," I mumbled to myself as my ghost sense went off. I looked up and saw Fright Knight riding on Nightmare, holding his sword outside of Casper High.

Kwan was sitting behind Dash, cupping his face in fear.

"Danny... Outside... The Fright Knight!," Dash yelled at me.
"Eh, why are you telling me?," I asked Dash, sweating. Dash facepalmed.
"Duh! Because you have ghost powers," Dash reasoned.
"Go, Danny, go," the Casper High students in the cafeteria chanted. I was shocked.
"Eh, going ghost," I said. I transformed into Danny Phantom.

I phased through the ceiling. I chased after Fright Knight.

I abruptly stopped flying, hovering in the air. Fright Knight held his sword tight.
"Hey, Frightnut. Do you know the freezing point of metal?," I asked Fright Knight, shooting ice at him. Fright Knight's sword erupted in green flames.

Fright Knight and Nightmare were now frozen in a block of ice. Fright Knight screamed.

The block of ice started to fall out of the sky. I held onto the Fenton Thermos.
"I'm getting an A+ in science, so that was really more of a rhetorical question," I explained. I aimed my thermos and Fright Knight and Nightmare.

Fright Knight and Nightmare were trapped in the thermos' blue beam. Fright Knight and Nightmare were sucked into the thermos.

I stared at the thermos, smiling in satisfaction. I phased through Casper High, ending up in the cafeteria once more.

The Casper High students in the cafeteria cheered, pumping their arms up and down. The Casper High students started chanting my name.

I transformed back into Danny Fenton, taking the seat Dash offered me earlier. Paulina and Star gazed at me lovingly.
"Sweet! Must be nice, Fenton. Being a superhero and having a harem of girls all lovesick for ya," Dash commented.
"Sounds like somebody's tired of taking his cousin to all the dances," Tucker commented to Dash.
"She's my mom's sister's stepdaughter," Dash defended.
"Come on, guys. You know, there's only one girl for me," I reasoned with Tucker and Dash. Where was Sam anyways?

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