Chapter 19- Secret Weapons

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A normal night at the movies. The local movie theatre in Amity Park was showing Cyber Zombie Commando Movie Marathon.

This is where we find our hero, enjoying a night out with his best friends.

Danny's POV

I turned intangible as Sam, Tucker and I walked out of the movie theatre. Sam and Tucker yawned, stretching out their limbs.
"I can't believe we sat through three Cyber Zombie Commando movies," Sam commented.
"I could've used a little less zombie, and a little more cyber. But that's me, I'm all about the cyber," Tucker added. Sam and Tucker searched the street, looking for Jazz.
"Coast is clear, Danny!," Sam yelled.
"Sweet! No sign of Jazz?," I asked, breaking my intangibility.
"No sign of Jazz," Sam confirmed.
"Good, ever since Jazz found out I was fighting ghosts, she's been kind of pushy," I explained to my two best friends as Jazz suddenly pulled up to the three of us in her pink sedan. Jazz pinned me against the outside of the movie theatre wall.
"Danny, are you okay?! You know you should never leave the house without the Fenton Thermos. What if there's a ghost around?," Jazz whispered, shoving a Fenton Thermos onto my stomach.
"There's no ghost around. If there was, my ghost sense would go off," I explained to Jazz just as my ghost sense went off.
"Like that?," Jazz asked. Jazz and I looked up.

Skulker was flying in the air. Skulker glared at Sam, Tucker, Jazz and I.

Sam, Tucker and Jazz stared at Skulker in shock.
"Skulker?! He's hunting you again?!," Tucker asked.
"Again?! As in more than once?!," Jazz asked.
"Jazz, take it easy. There's a rhythm to these things. Ghost attacks, we exchange witty banter, I kick ghost butt, and we all go home having learned a valuable lesson about honesty... Or some other nonsense," I explained to Jazz. Jazz pulled a pencil out of her hair and a notebook out of her back pocket.

Jazz started to scribble away.
"Attack. Banter. Kick butt. Lesson. Got it. So, why's he not attacking?," Jazz asked. My eyes widened in shock.
"What! No attack? He's ignoring me?!," I asked as I watched Skulker fly away.


I was at Axion Labs, hovering behind Skulker and crossing my arms. Skulker jumped.
"Bloodstream Nanobots? What are Bloodstream Nanobots? Hey! Get back here! You didn't even call me Whelp!," I yelled at Skulker, breaking out of his net as I watched him fly away. I flew after Skulker.

Sam's POV

Tucker and I were in Jazz's car, Jazz behind the wheel as we drove down the road. Tucker and I sat in the back.

The wind was assaulting my hair.
"Jazz, did it ever occur to you that Danny has been doing just fine without your help?," I asked Jazz, my voice dripping with seriousness.
"Exactly! So imagine how much better he'll do with it," Jazz reasoned. Jazz pulled up to Axion Labs.

Danny was chasing Skulker across the night sky. Jazz jumped out of her car and ran towards Danny and Skulker, holding the Fenton Thermos.
"You just earned a one- way trip to thermos land, ghost!," Jazz yelled, unscrewing the thermos as a beam of energy shot out of it. Jazz started to lose control of the thermos as she was pushed onto the ground.

The thermos' bean missed Skulker and hit Danny instead. Danny was engulfed by the thermos' beam.

Tucker and I gasped. Danny was pulled into the thermos.

Jazz stared at the thermos, frowning. The thermos started to smoulder blue.

Jazz turned to look at Tucker and I. Tucker and I glared at Jazz.
"Think I should work on my banter?," Jazz asked.
"Start with your aim," Tucker advised.


Danny's POV

It was the next day at Casper High. A fellow Casper High student was opening his locker.

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