Chapter 21- Micro Management

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It's morning time in Amity Park. Jogging down the street.

Yes, jogging down the street is where we find our hero.

Danny's POV

Tucker and I were exhausted.
"So, how's the four minute mile coming, Tucker?," I asked, gasping for breath.
"Nine minutes and counting, dude. This is just embarrassing," Tucker commented, gasping for breath as Sam ran backwards, passing us.
"I know! How are your two going to pass the President's test on physical fitness if you can't even pass me?," Sam asked Tucker and I.
"So what? I have super powers. Why should I even care?," I asked Sam. Suddenly, an ectoblast was fired at Sam, Tucker and I.

I tackled Sam to the ground, pushing her out of harm's way. Sam stared at me in surprise as I landed above her, my elbows resting on the street so I wouldn't crush her.

Tucker dove into a trash can next to Sam and I. Skulker flew down to the three of us.
"Hello, ghost child. I saw you running and thought 'Hey, I should give him something to run from!'," Skulker explained. I raised my right arm off of the ground, shifting my weight onto my left side, bringing her face closer to Sam's.

I fired an ectoblast at Skulker's jet pack. Skulker was knocked away in a screaming frenzy.

I stared at Sam intently, my nose softly rubbing against hers.
"Ha! Let's see the president do that!," I quipped at Sam. Sam rolled her eyes at me before playfully shoving me off of her.

I transformed into Danny Phantom and flew after Skulker.

Skulker's POV

I landed in a dumpster. I stared at Danny as he flew towards me.

Danny's POV

I fired an ectoblast at the dumpster Skulker was in. Skulker was thrown deeper into the overflowing dumpster.

I picked Skulker up and threw him into a wall. Skulker grunted in pain.

Skulker stood up and glared at me. I fired an ectoblast at the wall I threw Skulker into.

Skulker dodged the falling bricks but was fortunately hit by my blast. Skulker's left arm and right foot fell off of Skulker's body, revealing wires within Skulker's body.

Skulker slumped onto the floor. Skulker and I glared at each other.
"Hey, Skulker, without your suit you're pretty powerless. Maybe you need to learn to rely on your natural abilities!," I quipped at Skulker.

Sam's POV

I ran after Danny, only stopping when I was behind him. I stared at Tucker, who was taking his sweet time.
"Tucker, hurry up!," I yelled. Tucker finally came to a stop next to me, holding the Fenton Thermos, sweating and gasping for breath.

I grabbed the Fenton Thermos away from Tucker and aimed it at Skulker.
"No, no, no!," Skulker yelled as he was sucked into the thermos. I smiled at Danny, handing him the thermos.

I crossed my arms, my smile turning into a smirk. Danny frowned at me.
"Speaking of natural abilities...," I trailed off. Danny stared at me, pleading with me using his beautiful blue eyes to make him not do what I was about to get him to do.


My Danny Fenton was struggling to do pull ups on a bar in the Casper High gym. Tucker was lying down on the gym floor, completely exhausted.
"I think I liked fighting Skulker better. How many is that?," Danny asked Tucker.
"One," Tucker answered. I ran over to the bar next to Danny, doing several pull ups before swinging off of the bar, dismounting perfectly and running backwards once more.
"Hey, Danny!," I yelled, clearly showing off. Danny fell off of his bar, grunting as landed roughly on the gym floor.

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