Chapter 17- The Ultimate Enemy

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A rock surrounded by debris. A cockroach started to climb the rock.

The cockroach's antenna twitched a little. The cockroach scurried away, heading towards a fallen wall.

Beaten buildings stood tall while others laid on the ground destroyed. It was deserted with the exception of a small, blue domed force- field in the distance.

The force- field flickered as lighting danced in the sky. The dome trapped a vibrant, futuristic city.

High- rises and huge- man made canyons sparkled within the dome. Towers surrounding the dome from the outside are responsible for the dome's existence.

A yellow flying car flew around a building. A billboard read "Amity Park" in white letters.

Aerial cars were stuck in traffic. The cars were yellow, orange, violet and dark blue.

An electronic board read "AMITY PARK: THE FUTURE". People walked along a skybridge, heading to and leaving from a large white building.

Flying cars flew under the skybridge. Casper High stood tall with futuristic buildings flanking all around it.

A dirty yellow car was parked, hovering in the air, its doors opening vertically. Students were hanging around outside of Casper High.

One girl was running with her dog. The dirty yellow car took flight and flew away in the sky.

An older Valerie, dawning a crew cut, surfed calmly on her jet surfboard. Two young children, a blonde with her hair in pigtails wearing a pink floral dress and a young boy with fudge brown hair wearing a blue jumpsuit and white boots ran after Valerie, following her from behind.
"Hi!," the kids yelled at Valerie. Valerie looked down at the kids and smiled.

Valerie saluted the kids with two fingers and continued to surf away, leaning back on her board as it charged up with pink smoke and blasted off. Valerie approached a small white balcony.

Valerie powered down her board. Valerie jumped off her board, landing on the balcony and holding her board in her hand.

Valerie rested her board on the guardrail and walked towards a panel. The panel had a huge "X" on it in blue.

Valerie opened her communications watch on her wrist. Three bars occupied Valerie's watch.

One was yellow. One green and the last one red. The bars flashed vibrantly.

Valerie stared at the bars, resting her hand on the panel. Valerie pushed a button on her communications watch.
"Ghost shield tower 9...," Valerie mumbled. Valerie rested a finger on her watch.

Valerie was greeted with static.
"100 percent operational," Valerie went on. Valerie's dad appeared on Valerie's watch.

Valerie's dad sat down. Valerie's dad was wearing a uniform and an eyepatch.
"Great, sweetie. Let's check the last tower and get ba-." Valerie's dad got cut off as static filled Valerie's watch once more. Valerie stared at her watch with alarm.
"Daddy? Daddy?," Valerie asked. With a sudden beep, a pair of red eyes appeared on Valerie's watch.
"Hello, Valerie," Dark Danny said.
"You again?! I don't care how powerful you are, ghost, you can't break through the sh- Until today," Dark Danny interrupted Valerie. Dark Danny's red eyes widened as he howled.

Valerie clamped her hands over her ears and winced in pain. Dark Danny's howl shook the entire city.

People were holding their ears and ducking down as they stopped walking on the skybridge. Windows shattered from skyscrapers.

Kwan was in his flying car. Kwan's windshield exploded.

Valerie was hunched over in incredible pain. Valerie gasped as the bars on her watch stopped flashing.

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