Chapter 34- Livin' Large

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In Danny's room, we find Sam, Tucker and Danny Fenton.

Danny's POV

"Ugh. I am so dead," I spoke to Sam and Tucker. I flopped on my bed as Sam and Tucker stared at me.
"Who knew learning stuff and groping for the approval of our peers could be so exhausting," I elaborated. Tucker sat down at my desk chair while Sam took a seat in my beanbag chair.
"7:30 to 3:30. School's like an 8 hour day," Tucker commented.
"And every day's a battle. Especially when I have to battle something. Is this it guys? Is the fun over? Is life just downhill from here?," I asked Sam and Tucker.
"No way. Life will get a heck of a lot better when someone pays us to work our butts off," Tucker commented.
"Hello youngsters. How was school?," dad asked the three of us as he entered my room.
"Well, it was pretty exhaust- That's super. Your mother and I need the help of three strong hands down in the lab so let's hop to it," dad interrupted me.
"How much are you paying?," I asked dad.


Sam's POV

"I pay you to mow the lawn. This you'll do for the love of science! Lean all your weight into that photon generator son. It refuses to generate photons unless someone tips it a bit to the left," Danny's dad explained to Danny as the three of us were now all in the Fentons lab, helping Danny's parents.
"Our equipment's a tad persnickety. Sam just aim your satellite dish into the sky above the neon taco sign. That's where Star Net 7 is in geo- synchronous orbit with our lab," Danny's mom explained to me.
"But... But...," I trailed off, not wanting to do this.
"Quiet. Don't speak or move a muscle for the next 37 and a half minutes," Danny's mom ordered me.
"Man, Fenton Works sure is low fi," Tucker commented to me.
"Nonsense, here. Take this world's best mom mug and pound on top of the oscilloscope when it goes all fuzzy," Danny's dad spoke to Tucker.
"Hey. I'm a real life scientist," Tucker commented, doing what he was told.
"Maddie dear, crank her up," Danny's dad said.
"What's all this supposed to do?," I asked Danny's dad.
"If all goes right it should evaporate every ghost being within my cell phone calling range. With no roaming charges," Danny's dad explained.
"Uh, gee dad, maybe we shouldn't...," Danny trailed off. The Fentons doorbell suddenly rang.
"Now who in blazes could that be?," Danny's dad asked.
"Mom? Dad? There's someone here to see you," jazz spoke, entering the lab. I gasped.

Operative O's POV

"Wow if it isn't my heroes, the Guys in White," Jack Fenton commented as Operative K and I stepped into the lab.
"I'm surprised you rang the bell. Don't you usually knock in a wall or crash through the ceiling," Maddie Fenton snapped at me.
"Sorry. Habit," I apologized. Operative K cleared his throat.
"The government is sorry about all the past misunderstandings," Operative K spoke.
"Like labeling you a crackpot, Fenton. That was... Wrong of us," I added.
"The government now admits that you are, uh, well, geniuses," Operative K spoke.
"Well it's about doggone time," Jack spoke.
"Oh Jack. Finally. Government approval of our work," Maddie spoke.
"About that work. The government has authorized us to buy it, lock stock and barrel," Operative K explained.
"Ha! Don't be ridiculous. I've poured my heart, soul and life's blood into this laboratory. And you can't put a price on that. Fenton Works is not for sale. Wow. That's a lot of zeros. It's all yours," Jack said, after I showed him a cheque.
"Jack. You can't sell our home. Wow. That's a lot of zeros. We'll be out by noon tomorrow," Maddie spoke after I showed her the cheque.
"Wait just a minute. What about the Fenton Portal? If we sell the house, how will I, you access the Ghost Zone?," Danny asked his parents.
"We're rich son. From now on we'll just pay someone to answer tough questions like that," Jack answered.
"I'll have to ask you to step away from the government property," I spoke to Jack, just as he was about to pick up an invention.


Danny's POV

I was in my new bedroom, pacing. Tucker was drinking a milkshake while Sam was leaning on my wall, staring out of my window, clearly upset.
"Ahh. That Hobson makes a mean shake," Tucker commented, finishing his milkshake.
"He's had enough practice. How many have you had in the last hour?," Sam asked Tucker.
"Four. Danny said we can make ourselves at home. Right, D?," Tucker asked me. I stopped pacing and stared at Tucker.
"What's that? Oh. Yeah. Sure. At home," I spoke as I started to frown, matching Sam's mood perfectly.
"What's with you, man? Cheer up! I mean, look at your new room. You've got three, count 'em, three big screens. The hugest stereo speakers I have ever seen hooked up to the tiniest digital music player known to man. And this video game chair is heaven in nagahide," Tucker praised, spinning around in my video game chair.
"I know I'm lucky it's just, I'm worried about accessing the Ghost Zone," I explained to Tucker. Sam smiled at me.
"Finally! I thought I was the only one freaking out about your folks selling out to 'The man'," Sam spoke.
"Weren't there two men?," Tucker asked.
"I mean the government. I don't trust those guys. They're up to something. Bad. I know it," Sam explained. Tucker stared at Sam.
"Okay, she's talking crazy and you're bumming me out. Life just got a lot better for you. For all of us. I say we kick back, watch three movies at once and enjoy," Tucker spoke, picking up my remote. Tucker turned on all three of my TVs.

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