Chapter 30- Girls' Night Out

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Our hero was busy. Very busy.

Flying away from Johnny 13 is where we find Danny Phantom.

Danny's POV

Johnny 13's motorcycle fired blue ectoblasts at me from its headlight. I continued to fly away.

I fired a couple of ectoblasts at Johnny 13. Johnny 13 dodged my attacks.
"So, Johnny! You work alone now? Finally ditched that stupid... SHADOOOOOOOW!," I yelled as Shadow tackled me. Shadow stretched itself across two poles.

Shadow turned itself into a slingshot. Shadow grabbed me and launched me onto a roof before I bounced off of the roof and slammed into a Vlad Masters billboard.

My face was littered in bruises as I stared at the billboard in disgust, trying not to throw up.
"Ugh. Talk about urban blight!," I yelled. Johnny grabbed onto my suit, pulling me away from the billboard.

Johnny smirked at me, clearly thinking he won.
"What do you want, Johnny?," I asked.
"Realx, kid, relax. I'm just blowing off some steam. Me and Kitty had a spat. What do you do when you and the gloomy chick have a lovers' quarrel," Johnny explained.
"What? W- We never... I- I mean we aren't... Look, Johnny, you can either go back to the Ghost Zone willingly or I can make you go," I explained to Johnny.
"I'm digging that tough guy act, little man. But don't worry, I'm gone," Johnny reassured.
"And take The Dork of Darkness with you," I spoke, pointing at Shadow. Shadow growled at me as Johnny let go of me, setting me down on the roof.
"See ya on the flip side, kid. And thanks for the game," Johnny spoke. Johnny and Shadow flew away.

I fired an ectoblast from my finger at what should have been Shadow's butt. Shadow continued to fly away with Johnny.

I flew away.

Ember's POV

I was in the Ghost Zone surrounded by purple doors and bizarre staircases. Kitty stood on my right, resting her hands on her hips.

Spectra was on my left resting her hands on her hips. I had my arms crossed as I leaned against a purple door.

My guitar was strapped to my back. Bertrand stood in front of the three of us, smiling and blinking at us nervously.
"Let me get this straight, Johnny and Skulker just took off for Amity Park to blow off steam because Ember and me had a fight with them?," Kitty asked.
"What do you expect? You told Johnny that his bike wasn't as important as you were, and you told Skulker he was a lousy hunter," Bertrand spoke to Kitty and I. I raised my hands up in the air.
"He is! He can't even find the TV remote," I explained to Bertrand.
"Uhh, why didn't you go with them?," Spectra asked her assistant and recently turned boyfriend.
"They didn't invite me. Why else would I tell you where they went?," Bertrand asked Spectra.
"Ooh! This makes me so mad!," Kitty yelled. Kitty blew a blue ectoplasmic kiss at Bertrand.

Bertrand's eyes turned red. Bertrand yelled in pain as his body started to glow blue.

Bertrand suddenly vanished.
"What was that?," I asked Kitty.
"What you think you're the only one who can drive men away?," Kitty quipped.
"Funny. So, where'd he go?," I asked Kitty.
"I don't exactly know," Kitty confessed.
"And I don't exactly care," Spectra added.
"All I do know is if he stays gone for 12 hours, he's gone for good. Unless I do this," Kitty spoke, blowing a blue ectoplasmic kiss into the air. Bertrand reappeared.

Bertrand raised his hands up, holding his head, clearly dazed.
"Drat! We still had eleven hours and fifty nine minutes," Spectra spoke.
"Ooh, is there a twelve hour sale somewhere?," Bertrand asked.
"Ladies, nobody walks out on us. Pucker up, Kitty, we're going to Amity Park," I spoke as the three of us laughed evilly.

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