Chapter 29- Infinite Realms

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We start in the Ghost Zone. Our favorite trio was acting well... Like the 14 year olds they were.

It's about time our hero acted like a kid without facing any consequences!

Danny's POV

"Okay Fenton. You've looked evil in the face and defeated it time and again. You can do this. We turn left at Skulker's Island then right at Walker's Jail. Or is it left at Walker's Jail and a right at Skulker's Island?," I mumbled to myself, hovering in the air as Danny Phantom.
"Um, are we ever going home? Or are we still playing lost in the Ghost Zone?," Sam playfully shot at me from the driver's seat of the Specter Speeder.
"We're not lost. My expertly drawn map tells me exactly where we are. We just hook a u- turn around this swirling vortex of infinite pain and we're home. Oh wait that's a thumb print," I spoke, examining my map.
"If we don't get back soon I'm going to die of starvation. I've already missed my 4 0' clock feeding," Tucker explained from the passenger seat of the Specter Speeder.
"Would you guys quit complaining. If we're going to become a better ghost fighting team we need to know the enemy's territory inside and out so we, uh, don't get lost," I explained, sending Sam a sheepish smile. Sam playfully rolled her eyes at me.

Two ghosts flew past me.
"Hey. Ask them for directions," Sam spoke to me.
"And snacks. Ask for snacks," Tucker added.
"No, let's just follow them. They're bound to lead us somewhere," I reasoned with Sam.
"Ugh. What is it with you guys not asking for directions?," Sam asked Tucker and I.
"Now I missed my 4:05 feeding. If I don't make it, tell my PDA I love her. The cell phone meant nothing to me," Tucker explained, completely ignoring Sam. The three of us followed the two ghosts through a tunnel.
"See? These guys seem to know their way around. We'll be out of here in no time," I reasoned with Sam before I crashed into a block of ice. Curse Sam's pretty purple eyes for distracting me!

Sam laughed at me, causing her to lose focus which led to her crashing the Specter Speeder into the same block of ice. The three of us suddenly fell down a hole.
"Is everyone alright?," I asked once we stopped falling.
"Besides being lost, almost killed and now having no way home. Stellar," Sam sarcastically replied as the Specter Speeder was lodged into a pile of snow, upside down.
"Oh man. My dad's going to kill me," I spoke. An abominable snowman-like creature suddenly approached me, growling.
"He's not the only one," Sam commented.

Sam's POV

The snow creature was getting ready to attack Danny.
"Good boy. Nice boy. Lay down. Very good. Next we'll work on fetching the paper," Danny quipped, dodging the creature's attack and firing an ectoblast at it, trapping it in a cage of icicles. The snow creature threw one of the icicles at Danny.
"Danny!," Tucker and I yelled together. Danny fired an ectoblast at the icicle, destroying it.

Danny fired an ectoblast at the snow creature as the snow creature fired ice rays out of its eyes. Danny's ectoblast was frozen in mid- air.

Suddenly, a pile of snow buried Danny. Danny dug himself out of the snow.

Danny stared at the creature's shoulder, noticing an icicle embedded in its white fur.
"Wait a minute," Danny spoke, firing an ectoblast at the icicle. The snow creature stopped growling.
"Huh? The pain. It's gone. Hahaha thank you," the snow creature spoke, lifting Danny up into a giant hug.
"Aww a boy and his snow monster," I gushed.
"Is there a greater love to be found anywhere?," Tucker added.
"To whom do I owe my debt of gratitude. You? The savior of the Ghost Zone," the snow monster commented, brushing the snow out of Danny's hair and setting him back on his feet.
"Me?," Danny asked.
"The savior?," I added.
"Of the Ghost Zone?," Tucker concluded.
"Oh Great One behold your humble servant Frostbite, leader of the Far Frozen," Frostbite introduced himself, getting down on his knees in front of Danny.
"Uh I uh- Excuse me, your majesty, do you think you could talk it him whatever into helping us?," I asked Danny, cutting him off. Danny nervously laughed.
"Yeah, I need nourishment. Stat," Tucker added. Frostbite stood up.
"Yes! It is my honor to assist the Great One and his servants," Frostbite spoke, freeing the Specter Speeder and flipping it so it was no longer upside down.
"Servants?!," I asked in disbelief. Frostbite raised Danny up into the air as if he was Rafiki and Danny was Simba.
"Silence, oh Sam of the Very Vegan," Danny quipped at me.
"To my village shall we go and a great feast shall we have," Frostbite explained.

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