22. 'Hot' Chocolate

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After the proposal, I was left alone with Shivaay as Rahul and Druv went back to the mansion saying they were sleepy which was a big fat lie as it was only 7 and those two were not someone who slept so early. I let them off as I understood why they wanted to leave.

"Can I take you somewhere, Moon?" Shivaay asked with his head still in my lap and my hands in his hair caressing them. I frowned at the new endearment. 

"Moon?" I quirked an eyebrow at him and he opened his eyes to look up at me with a smile etched on his lips. He sat up and pulled me to him with a hand on my waist making me collide with his side leaving no space between us.

"Yes, you are my Moon. The moon that shines and brings serenity to my dark life. I feel calm and relaxed in your presence. You are my guiding light in the darkness surrounding me. It is for you and Druv I want to live. It is your smile that lights up my day and it's your embrace that lulls me into a peaceful sleep. So, you are my personal moon that resides beside me and inside me, more beautiful than the original one in the sky." He completed, looking deep into my eyes as I placed my chin on his shoulder and listened to him.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and pecked his forehead and it made him close his eyes as he relaxed onto my shoulder with a sigh.  I ran my hands through his hair as he snuggled into my neck muttering, "You still didn't answer my question, Moon," and the way he pronounced that endearment made heat creep onto my cheeks making me blush deeply.

"Okay," My voice was barely audible but he heard it and got back onto his feet really quick and extended his hand for me to take. I placed my hand in his and stood up. He slid his hand onto the small of my back as he guided me to his car. 

He got into the driver's seat and started driving not speaking a word. I let myself sink into my seat and played some songs over the radio as I gazed at the busy streets disappearing as we drove away from the buzzing city.

He parked the car when we reached what seemed like a farmhouse situated in the middle of the forest. He helped me out and opened the door for me.  He locked the door behind me after calling someone and asking them not to disturb us.

"You can go freshen up in the bedroom upstairs. I will cook something for you," he gently nudged me towards the stairs and I climbed the stairs with a giggle. When I reached the room I took a shower and it was then that I realized I didn't have any clothes to wear and I didn't want to wear my previous outfit either. 

After going through the closet for a while in a futile attempt to find any girl's clothes I took out his white shirt and wore it with a pair of boxers. It reached my mid-thighs and felt comfortable. I rolled up the long sleeves and brushed my hair before going back to the kitchen.

He was whisking something with his back facing me. His sleeves were rolled up giving me a chance to admire his Viney hands move effortlessly as he focused on his work with his jaw clenched and a few hair strands falling on his forehead.

Who said women working in the kitchen look sexy? Men working in the kitchen is the sexiest thing and my man is the standard in that. I could feel the heat build-up inside me as I glanced at the tiny droplets of sweat shining on his neck. I had this sudden urge to lick them off. I clenched my thighs together in an attempt to stop the wetness I was feeling down there.

I took slow steps and slid my hands to his front deliberately brushing his torso. I pressed my front to his back, took a scoop of the chocolate mixture he just made, and licked my finger taking it back swiftly.

He turned around and placed me on the kitchen counter in a swift motion not giving me any chance to register or react to his action. He gently parted my legs with his hands on my knees and stood very close to me making my breath hitch. His eyes turned a shade darker than usual as he placed his hand on my cheek before gently sliding it to my neck and holding the back of my neck making me gasp at his firm hold.

Did I press the wrong button? 


But do I regret it?

Hell no!

"You look damn hot in my shirt, Moon," His fingers traced the point where my neck and shoulder met applying a little pressure there, making me arch my back into him while I felt goosebumps on my sin.

"Ask me to stop," His husky voice urged as he joined our foreheads with his nose brushing mine. 

"No," I breathed out as my toes curled in anticipation and my fingers held the edges of the encounter in a firm grip. 

"I don't know where it will lead if you don't stop me now," His voice turned desperate as his lips danced on my right cheek with his hot breath hitting my skin making me lose the ability to think right.

I just nodded in reply and it was the permission he required to slam his lips onto mine as his hands firmly gripped my thighs hot hard enough to hurt but tight enough to make me go numb in pleasure. My hands wrapped around his neck and tugged on his hair when he bit my lower lip asking for entrance. 

I was so clouded by lust to halt him so I just let him do whatever he wanted to. His right hand moved above my thigh dragging his fingers painfully slow on my soft skin occasionally pinching my skin.

He left my lips, placed a few butterfly kisses on my cheek, and bit it making me hiss. He dragged his tongue on the spot coating it with his saliva. I suddenly felt something cool and sticky on my skin but I was too focused on his teeth nibbling my earlobe to focus on it. 

His lips moved from the back of my ear to my neck as he licked the chocolate whisk he applied a while ago. He kept on sucking my skin even after there was no more chocolate left as his hands simultaneously applied more chocolate to my cleavage after opening the first two buttons of my shirt.

He held my hand in his hair, dipped it in the bowl of chocolate mix, and started licking my fingers looking straight into my eyes making butterflies erupt in my stomach while wetness pooled down my core.  

"Wrap your legs around my torso," His voice came out rasped and I did as asked. He carried me to the dining table made me sit on the edge and gently pushed my shoulders making me lay back with my legs hanging down.

He sat on one of the chairs and turned me to his side with my cleavage in front of his face. He wrapped his hand around my waist over my shirt and started devouring the chocolate on my cleavage leaving a few bites and hickeys as he did so. 

"You are fucking addicting, Moon," With that, he pulled my lips into his sucking on them. I sat myself up and kissed him back with my hands tugging on his hair while his fiddled with my waist. 

We broke the kiss once I was out of breath and he joined our foreheads together with a smile on his lips and a sense of pride and love in his eyes as I panted for the air.

"I need to redo the dessert and you need another shower, darling," He placed me down and kissed my cheek before biting it lightly. I gently pushed him away and ran upstairs. I heard his chuckle in the background but couldn't look back and ran to the bathroom to take a shower to calm myself down.

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