2. First Interaction

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I came out of my car with heart thumping in my chest. I really hope he is not seriously injured.

His right hand is entirely red with blood flowing down from what seems like a bullet wound. He is gritting his teeth with pain while trying to stand straight.

"Let me take you to the hospital."

"No, take me home"

"But you need medical assistance. You can't just go home."

"And who are you to say that to me?"

He couldn't even stand straight yet his voice is dominating and he looks stubborn. I have to convince him to take treatment.

"Look, I am a doctor and that bullet should be taken out as soon as possible. Please come to hospital with me."

"Do you know how to do it?"

"Yes! Now come to hospital , will you?"

"No you are coming to my home with me. You will treat me there."

"Have you gone mad or what? We can't just remove bullets with our hands we need some instruments for that!"

"Here take my mobile and text my assistant. He will arrange everything you need."

I wanted to leave him right there when he shoved his mobile towards me. But as a doctor it's my responsibility to make sure he gets treated. I made him sit in my car before texting his assistant and we drove to his home which looked like a big mansion.

"Sir! I've arranged everything you said in guest room."

A young man came running towards us as soon as we entered his home. I guess this man is his assistant. With his help I took the wounded man into the guest room and got started with my work.

I gave him some painkillers so that he can sleep. I decided to stay back to observe him for that night. I sat on the couch nearby and tried to understand what exactly happened. Why didn't he want to go to hospital? Who shot him? Is he involved in some illegal works or he was just a victim? Questions kept raising in my mind and I don't know answer for any of those. Suddenly I was jerked to reality when a voice came from the door.

"Doctor madam will you have something to eat?"

A woman in her thirties stood at the door in her uniform.

"No, I am fine. Thank you!" I replied.

"I'll get you some juice then."

she left leaving me alone with the man who jumped in front of my car few hours ago.

I looked at him. For the first time I'm really looking at him with nothing in my mind. He looks so dashing. He has perfect features and figure which is captivating. His long eye lashes and his silky hair are breath taking. I was lost in him. I have known him for only few hours but I don't know why I am feeling bad for his pain. It's like I can understand and feel his pain. As a doctor I see people getting injured, operated and in worst cases die in front of me. But why I'm feeling different for him when I'm not affected by others this much? I can feel my eyes shutting down.



I woke up with a pain in my arm which is now covered with band-aid. I looked around and saw this girl sleeping on my couch. The girl who saved me. The girl who was so fierce a few hours ago is now sleeping like a little kitten. She looks so beautiful that I was lost in her when she was driving me home. She seems to be caring and strong by the way she talked and helped me. But she is irritating and talkative too. She is definitely a head ache. I covered her with the blanket and went out.

"Sir! Why did you got up from your bed?" My assistant Rahul came running towards me. He helped me into my study.

"Rahul! Did you find out who was behind this attack?"

" Not yet! But we will find him as soon as possible. He can't escape us. We are searching every security camera in that area."

"I want him as soon as possible."

"Okay boss."

I'm Shivaay Malhotra. CEO of Malhotra group of companies. This is the identity that everyone knows about me. What most of the people doesn't know is I am also a mafia don. It was not my choice to become so but the situations made me like this. I have to keep my identity hidden from my family and the world. Only my assistant Rahul and my boys who acts as security knows my identity as a mafia leader.

I went back to my room to sleep but I couldn't. Every moment from that shoot out to this girl saving me just kept running in my mind. After a lot of struggle I finally managed to sleep.

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