13. Truth!

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Dhruv and Rahul along with the security went away leaving both of us alone. We stood there looking around for a few minutes until something caught my eye. I held his hand and dragged him to a shop along with me.

"Aunty please give those Payal!" I said to the shopkeeper. She smiled at me and took out the boxes of Payal(anklets).

I took two pairs of anklets in my hands and looked at Shivaay.

"Which one?" I asked him as I am hell confused about what to choose. He looked at me and the anklets for a good few seconds and took one pair from my hands and knelt down without saying a word. He took my leg in his hands and tried to place it on his knee.

"Shi... Shivaay what are you doing?" I asked trying to take my leg back.

"Shh.." He signaled me to keep quiet and placed my leg on his knee. Then he made me wear the anklet. He did the same with my other leg too. He looked at my anklets with satisfaction and happiness for one last time before getting up.

 He looked at my anklets with satisfaction and happiness for one last time before getting up

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"What were you doing? You are the Great Shivaay Malhotra!" I exclaimed as soon as he got up. 

"Maybe, but not for you." He said shrugging his shoulders and took another pair from my hands and asked the shopkeeper to pack them.

"What does that mean?" I asked while the shopkeeper went to pack the anklets and get the bill.

"For you, I am just Shivaay! No positions and no formalities attached." He said with an emotion that made me feel a tingling sensation in my stomach. He paid the bill and we walked out. After that, we went to some other shops and finally met Dhruv and Rahul. 

The next time when we got into the car the driver was not there. Shivaay took the driver's seat, and Dhruv and Rahul took the back seats. Having no other option I sat beside Shivaay.

"Shivaay, can you lift the partition? We want to take a nap!" Rahul said to which Shivaay nodded and pressed the button which separated us from the back seats. I sat silently playing with my anklets.

"Like them?" Shivaay asked breaking my trance.

"Yes! But why did you buy both?" I asked the doubt which was bugging me for a long time. I asked him to choose one but he bought both.

"Because you liked both of them and ... the one you are wearing now will suit your western wear and the pair I asked to pack will be perfect for your traditional wear. That's why I made you wear these and asked them to be packed." Did he really think to that extent just to choose a pair of anklets?

"We are here." He announced as soon as we reached the restaurant. We woke up Rahul and Dhruv and walked in. We placed our orders and waited for the orders to arrive.

We had our lunch and I was about to walk out but Shivaay pulled me back by my arm. A bullet passed just beside me and hit the mirror which broke into pieces. My hands are on Shivaay's chest and his arm is around me hugging me tight. Rahul picked up Dhruv in his arms. Shivaay's security surrounded us and started firing at the attackers.

"Rahul! Take them away!" Shivaay roared leaving me. I didn't want to go. I don't want to leave him alone now. No! I waved my head in a now and his eyes softened just for a nano sec before turning into ice cold again.

"Rahul!" He yelled not giving eye contact to me. Rahul passed Dhruv to me. I hugged him tight to my body like my life depends on it. Rahul took two guns from his back and Shivaay did the same. Rahul led us to the car and made us sit in. He was about to start the car when the attackers burst the tires. 

"Stay in!" Rahul warned us and got down. Firing is going on on every side. I just sat in hugging Dhruv tightly to my body.

"We are going to be fine baby! No one will harm us! No one mere bachha!" (my baby) I said caressing his hair.

"I know you will save me Riyu bua! Mumma said you will always save me. I saw her video where she said Riya Bua will be my guardian angel who will save me from every danger!" He replied amid his small sobs. Those words made my breath hitch. These were the words  Nisha said when we shot a video for Riyansh's 2nd birthday. Is he really my Riaynsh? Is that the reason why I feel a weird bonding and pull toward him?

"Who is your Mumma baby?" I asked him just to make sure what I am thinking is right. He opened his locket and showed me a picture in it. I am noticing this locket only today. It is a picture of Nisha, Nik, and Riyansh which I took when he was born. If this picture is with him is he my Riyansh? He was alive? My baby! My world stopped at that moment.

I hugged him tight and kissed him all over his face. He is my Niks baby! The baby for whom I and Nisha fought with everyone including Nik. 

"Will you leave me again Riyu?" He asked with teary eyes making my heart clench.

"Never baby! Never! I will always be with you! I love you Riyansh!" I said kissing his forehead again. 

"Papa said I shouldn't say my previous name to anyone. He also said I shouldn't meet anyone. That's why I didn't tell Dad that you are my Riyu!" He said snuggling into my neck. His dad, Shivaay! So, he knew that I was talking about Dhruv when I shared my past. Still, he chose to leave me in the dark. He chose to hide my baby from me.  Does he think that I will cause any harm to Dhruv if I know the truth? Can't he trust me? Don't I deserve his trust? Tears started rolling down my cheeks unknowingly. Everything started to become a blur. And soon darkness consumed me. 

The next time I opened my eyes I was in my room. Shivaay is sitting on one side of my bed while Rudy is sitting on the other side. Shivaay tried to touch my hand but I pulled it back. Looking at Shivaay is reminding me of the betrayal he gave me. I turned my face away from him.

"Riyu...!" Rudy spoke and his voice cracked a little. I got up and threw my hands around him. We both started crying our hearts out. 

"Do you know how scared I was? After losing Nic I am not ready to lose you, baby! I can't handle it!" He said caressing my hair. Only we both know how we coped with Manik's death. Rudy got into a deadly accident after knowing about the incident. That's the reason why I had to leave Riyansh with his grandparents that day.

" I am not leaving you! Even if I die I will come back as a ghost to irritate you!" I said chuckling. He too chuckled a little and pulled back. I wiped away his tears and he did the same with me.

"Thank you for saving her!" Rudy said to Shivaay but I didn't even glance at him. I need time to accept all this.

"Bua!" I heard a voice and snapped my head in that direction. Dhruv came running towards me and hugged me tight climbing up the bed. All eyes are on us. Rudy and Rahul's eyes with shock while Shivaay's eyes with shock, anger, and guilt.

"Rudy maamu!" Dhruv shifted into Rudy's arms. He looked at me with confusion asking why he called him maamu.

"He... is our Riaansh!" I said trying to hold back the tears forming in my eyes. Rudy hugged Dhruv tightly and kissed him all over his face.

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