5. Shopping

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I came home and changed into a comfortable night suit. I know it's day time but who cares. I can't take my mind out of Druv. He reminds me of Riyansh whom I lost a year ago. I lost him a few days after I lost my best friend Manik. I wanted to save him with my life but I could not. Druv looks exactly like him. But I know I lost him forever. I didn't see his body but it was confirmed by my another best friend Rudra. We three were always together and used to share everything. Them being 4 years older than me never bothered any of us.

Manik married his love Nisha and had Riyansh. But we lost all of them last year when Manik was trying to catch a notorious gangster. He was a special branch officer. Manik's attempt to put an end to that gang has led to the death of his whole family. I miss him so much. He is more like a family than a friend to me. Tears started rolling down my cheeks even before I notice it. I need a distraction to take my mind out of this. Just then my phone started ringing. It's Druv. I answered the call.

"Hey Ru!"

"Hello Riyu!" yes he calls me riyu.

"How is your wedding planning going on?"

"Idiot. So you do remember your best friend is getting married?"

"ofc I do."

"Then where were you yesterday night? why didn't you answer my call?"

"Sorry I was busy with something. What happened?"

"It's Tanya."

"What happened to her?"

"She wants to match everything from bangles to heels to bindi. She is making everyone run like we are in some templerun."

"Isn't it your favourite game Ru?"

"I'll kill you!" I'm enjoying his frustration very much.

"Stop laughing or I'll kick you."

"Come try you idiot."

"Riyu it's serious yaar. Tanya is giving us panic attacks. Please come and help us."

"Okay boss! I'll come right away. We will go shopping. I need to purchase somethings too."

"I'm doomed now."

"Well you deserve it."

"Come fast. We have to leave to Udaipur in 3 days. We have many things to do."

"On my way."

I threw my phone on the bed and started to scan my cupboard to find a suitable dress.

I finally fixed for a jean top and wore a shrug on it. I decided to leave my hair loose.

Riya's look

I drove to Rudra's place

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I drove to Rudra's place. Rudra took me and Tanya to a shopping mall in his car.


I came to office but I couldn't take my mind out of Riya. I think I've hurt her with my words. The first thing I'm going to do after going home is to apologize  to her. Just then rahul came into my office.

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