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As I watched Chance's determination to race despite my protests, a sense of frustration and concern gnawed at me. I knew how dangerous it was for him to race against Mark, especially after how dirty he raced the last time, and I couldn't bear to see my friend put himself in harm's way once again.

But no matter how hard I tried to reason with him, my words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Chance's stubbornness was as unwavering as ever, his mind seemingly made up despite the risks.

I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I realized that I couldn't convince him to back down on my own. I needed someone who could get through to him, someone who could make him see reason.

That's when I thought of Denver. I knew how much Chance meant to her, and I hoped that she might be able to break through to him in a way that I couldn't.

With a sense of urgency, I hurried to Denver's dorm room, my mind racing with the possibilities of what could happen if Chance went through with the race. I knew I couldn't let that happen—not if there was a chance to stop it.

When I made it to Denver's dorm and explained to her that Chance was in trouble. I saw the flicker of concern in her eyes. I knew she cared deeply for her brother, and I hoped that she would be able to persuade him to reconsider.

Lydia insisted on coming with us, and with that I knew that Chance would he pissed that I brought the two of them to this environment, but I had no choice.

I didn't trust Mark one bit. And if there's anything to take away from the last race, Mark will take any means necessary to win.

Chance had already raced tonight, the one race Dakota needed him too, this race against Mark was in no means necessary and would only lead to someone getting hurt.

Together, Lydia, Denver and I made our way to where Chance was preparing for the race, I driving with Denver in the front seat with a fidgeting Lydia in the back.

My heart pounding with a mixture of anxiety and determination. I prayed that Denver would be able to get through to him, to make him see sense before it was too late.

Chance and Mark were set to race after the rescheduled drivers finished their races. After that anyone who wanted to race was able to.

When I left to get Denver there were 3 races left before Chance and Marks. I prayed we made it back in time, and that Denver could convince her brother not to go through with it.

Chance was a better driver than Mark, and although Mark would never admit to it, he knew it too, that's why he always resulted to cheating in order to beat him.

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My pulse quickened as we pulled up to where Chance was supposedly racing.

The scene before us was chaotic, with cars lined up and the air thick with anticipation.

I glanced at Denver in front of me, her jaw set with determination. She was worried about her brother, I could see it in her eyes. And I couldn't blame her—I was worried too.

As Theo parked the car, I felt a surge of nervous energy coursing through me. The thought of Chance being in danger made my stomach churn with anxiety, although I had no clue who Mark was, I knew that by the way Denver reacted when Theo mentioned that name, I could tell it wasn't good.

As we stepped out of the car, the sound of roaring engines filled the air, mingling with the shouts and cheers of the spectators. The atmosphere was electric, charged with adrenaline and anticipation.

I glanced around at the throng of people surrounding us, their faces illuminated by the neon glow of the streetlights.

There was an undeniable tension in the air, a palpable sense of excitement mixed with apprehension.

Denver forged ahead, her determination unwavering as she led the way through the crowd. I followed closely behind, my heart pounding in my chest with each step.

I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that weighed heavily on me, knowing that Chance was out there somewhere, risking his life for the sake of a race.

As we navigated through the chaos, I caught glimpses of Chance's car in the distance, speeding down the street with what I presume was Marks car in hot pursuit.

My stomach lurched at the sight, a knot of fear tightening in my chest.

Denver's breathing became heavy beside me and soon enough they turned into soft cries. Theo wrapped his arms around Denver and her cries muffled into his shirt.

The race was in full swing, and there was nothing we could do to stop it now.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I watched helplessly as Chance and Mark disappeared into the night, their silhouettes fading into the darkness.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks: we had failed to reach Chance in time, and now he was out there, risking everything for the thrill of the race.

As we stood there, surrounded by the deafening roar of the crowd, a sense of helplessness washed over me.

All we could do now was wait and hope that Chance would make it through the race unscathed. But deep down, I feared the worst.


I couldn't stand and watch, my worry for Chance was too strong. And based on the fact that Denver's head was still buried in Theo's chest, I knew that my worries were more that rationally, there was a risk to street racing, and clearly because Chance was racing this Mark guy, there was a greater risk.

I walked off, the worry becoming too much, I needed to find a place to get my head straight.

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Two chapters in one day! This is me trying to make up for not updating.

I know these chapters are short but because of the POV and timeline, it's makes more sense for short chapters.

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