Chapter 32

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This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again

- Skyfall by Adele


September 1983

The room was quiet and still, illuminated only by the soft glow of the moon outside. Diana held William, her arms wrapped tightly around him. The only sounds in the room were the gentle rise and fall of his breathing and the occasional rustle of clothes being rubbed together as Diana held him in her arms, swaying gently from side to side.

With a gentle touch, she stroked his forehead. She began humming, hoping to lull him into a peaceful slumber.

"Goodnight, my someone,
Goodnight, my love.
Sleep tight, my someone,
Sleep tight, my love.
Our star is shining, it's brightest light
For goodnight, my love, for goodnight"

As she rocked him back and forth, she could feel his tiny body slowly relax, his breathing becoming deep and even. Despite her exhaustion, Diana continued to sway gently.

Unbeknownst to her, Charles was leaning against the door, quietly observing the scene, taking in all the details as they unfold before him. He couldn't help but wonder how he, an average guy with his fair share of flaws, ended up with a woman like Diana. She was perfect in every way, from her sparkling personality to her stunning looks. He felt incredibly lucky to have her by his side, but at the same time, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he didn't deserve her.

That she didn't deserve to spend her second chance at life being thrown away by someone as unworthy as him.

As he gazes at his wife, he realizes that despite the misery he has caused her, Diana still deeply cares for him and cherishes the life they have built together. Her desire to be with him and their children is strong that she is willing to risk her heart for them.

"Sweet dreams be yours, dear, if dreams there be
Sweet dreams to carry you close to me
I wish they may and I wish they might
Now goodnight, my someone, goodnight"

Diana was in the middle of singing when she felt someone's presence from behind. As she turned around, she saw Charles grinning at her. Wondering what he wanted, she paused for a moment. Charles mouthed a question, "Is he asleep?" but Diana merely shook her head in response.

"Sweet dreams be yours, dear, if dreams there be
Sweet dreams to carry you close to me
I wish they may and I wish they might
Now goodnight, my someone, goodnight"

As she finished singing the last part, Diana could see William's chest rising and falling slowly, indicating that he had drifted off to sleep. Carefully, she walked over to his crib, a cozy little nest of blankets and pillows, and gently lowered him inside. As she tucked him in, she couldn't help but smile at the peaceful look on his face, whispering a silent prayer for him to have sweet dreams.

Diana shifts her gaze towards her husband and nods towards the door, silently signaling him to follow. She slowly pushes the door open, careful not to make any noise that could disturb William. Once outside, she closes the door gently behind them, ensuring that it doesn't make any creaking sound that could potentially wake their child.

"What time will you be leaving tomorrow?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Before sunrise, I must leave early to avoid the paparazzi," Diana merely hums in acknowledgment.

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