Chapter 19

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"You taught me how to love
You showed me how tomorrow and today
My life is diff'rent from the yesterday
And you, you taught me how to love
And darling, I will always cherish you
Today, tomorrow and forever"

- When I Met You by APO Hiking Society


"Let's get married." Diana could only look at him in bewilderment, mouth gaping akin to a fish.

"No, no. Let me rephrase what I've just said. Marry me, Diana. All my life, I've been alone. Surrounded by the extravagant walls of multiple, enormous castles and yet, I've never felt at home. It never felt like home... However, that was before I met you. I knew from the moment our eyes met, I knew it had to be you. My mouth hasn't shut up from the moment your lips landed upon it, I knew it would turn into something that I would constantly seek. Your presence in my life is a constant need, the idea of you not being in it is one thing I do not dare to even think about. I love you, Diana. I am aware that words alone aren't enough to redress my deeds in the past, but have me again, please."

Time stood still like never before. Her pupils dilated, hands ached as her heart soared. Admittedly, she was afraid. But as her fear faded and her ability to think rationally returned slowly, a soft smile appeared on her face.

"I will.

Let's make it right, Charles."


Diana peered all the way to the end of the narrow hallway. She could see the illuminated double doors that led to the ballroom celebration. She glanced around the hall and could see the ceiling lights reflecting shadows on the walls. Diana hurried along, steps light and elegant as she grabbed her dress and dashed past the painted photos of the late King and Queens, Princes, and Princesses that occupied the Balmoral Castle. Oddly, She felt like their eyes were peering down her soul. She shivered, the tiny hairs on her skin rising. Diana felt exposed, with no room to hide in, and no stairs to take. But she had to focus on those double doors at the end of the hallway. That was where her destiny awaited.

Wife of His Royal Highness, Charles Prince of Wales. Mother to William and Harry. Grandmother to many, many children of her sons whom she never got to see.

Her Royal Highness, Diana, Princess of Wales.

Diana Frances Mountbatten-Windsor

That is her destiny.


The sound of music echoed through the large ballroom, Diana couldn't help but be in awe. A French-styled chandelier with whimsical gold leaves occupied most of the ceiling, spitting small amber-colored crystals onto the windows

"Why aren't you dancing, dear?" Diana was brought back to the present when a voice interrupted her thoughts. It was the Queen, herself. She was wearing a simple white long-sleeved dress decorated with yellow sunflowers on the top portion of the dress and a tartan sash with diamond brooches.

"Your Majesty," Diana curtsied and offered the Queen a warm smile. "I'm afraid I don't dance very well," Diana eyed the ballroom, men wearing black ties and kilts, and the women wearing tiaras, long gowns, and tartan sashes with diamond brooches. The Queen followed her gaze and hummed.

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