Chapter 26

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I know we're starting over again
This time we'll love all the pain away
Welcome home, my lover and friend
We are starting over, over again

- Starting Over Again by Natalie Cole


After being personally hired by the Princess, Leah immediately packed her bags and left Balmoral the very same day she was asked to be Diana's lady maid. Upon arriving at Kensington Palace, Leah was washed over with melancholy, the sudden feeling of familiarity brought shivers down her spine.

She shrugged it off, thinking it was due to exhaustion. But as she navigated her way through the corridors of the house, it was as if she had lived there. She knew where to go, and how certain objects work. It appears as though she was born— no, more like she was molded for this. It hadn't been a week passed and without a doubt, she had mastered her job.

She took note of how the princess dislikes alcohol, especially now that she is expecting so no alcoholic beverages shall be brought near the residence until then. She dislikes sleeping without lights on outside her room so Leah makes sure the lights are on after the sun sets. Contrary to her assumption, the princess seems to manage just fine even when she's alone. She had always thought that young ladies marrying into royal families tend to get lonely due to the demands of the state.

Everything is eerily familiar except for one thing.

Leah stood from the sideline, observing. She had heard numerous rumors circulating Balmoral before, all of which are pointing out that Diana wouldn't withstand the scrutiny of the royal family. This was proven wrong when the princess not only got along with the royal family but was even welcomed by them with open arms.

Hearsay of Diana being too young and wouldn't survive the attention she was receiving from the media also spread, but were yet again refuted by the princess. Diana didn't have any qualms in dealing with the public. The way she navigates the crowd like it is her own dance floor always leaves them in awe, making the people admire the princess even more.

She was no empath per se, but the energy that surrounds the princess is not of a 20-year-old. Leah questions whether this is a reflection of the princess' childhood. A trauma response perhaps... it has to be!

She had so many questions, and Leah knew it'd remain unanswered.

Diana's relationship with the Prince of Wales also doesn't sit right with Leah. Everything felt familiar aside from this. It was not like she disliked seeing the princess happy, in fact, Leah is delighted by this newfound knowledge about their relationship dynamic.

She had been granted numerous opportunities to witness the seamless synchrony between the couple, akin to gears interlocking flawlessly in a well-oiled engine. When they were in each other's presence, Leah felt the palpable presence of their unwavering devotion. She watched as stolen glances exchanged across the room spoke volumes, wordlessly conveying love.

Even in the other's absence, the echoes of their connection echoed through the air, the trust and understanding that anchored their relationship. It was as if their souls were intertwined, intimately connected across the vast expanse of space and time, their love, a beacon of warmth and solace.

When they found out about the pregnancy, Leah saw how the princess broke down and cried. At first, she was confused, was the princess crying because she was pregnant? Or was she crying because she was happy that she was pregnant?

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