Chapter 28

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I'll carry you all the way
And you'll choose the day
When you're prepared to greet me
I'll be a good mum, I swear
You'll see how much I care
When you meet me

- I've Been Waiting For You by ABBA


There's something about Charles that drives Diana in a fit of madness. Perhaps it is the way he is certain about court matters, as he has been preparing for his whole life. The way he spoke of his interests in philosophy, books, and his passion for polo.

Or perhaps it is the way he spoke eloquently, the way he articulates his choice of words both outside and in their innermost quarters as he drills his hips into hers.

Perhaps it was that. Charles knew how her preferences in bed, and is actively making use of his knowledge, driving her into a state of insanity.

Now that he had given to himself to her, making a vow of fidelity and commitment he's ever sworn, Diana is one step closer to signing up for an asylum seeing as Charles is fulfilling his duties as a husband rather splendidly. One of them is his commitment of keeping her in the throes of pleasure.

"You're magnificent," His hands slide over her baby bump whilst catching his breath. "Though I'm not quite sure you've been told, but you look so good pregnant." He's already finished another round with her, clearly still not sated and it seems as though he's preparing for a third.

"Even more so with my child," Diana, already spent and too weak to even acknowledge his words, remains silent. "Pregnancy has made you insatiable, darling." He stroked her cheeks with his thumb, eyes locked in a gaze, conveying surrender, and ecstasy.

With each touch, each caress, he worships her body like a sacred temple, his movements intended only for her pleasure. His every action is a testament to his commitment to her, focus unwavering as he seeks to fulfill her every whim. In his eyes, she is the embodiment of beauty and sensuality, and in that moment, he is wholly devoted to worshipping her with every fiber of his being.

By the end of it, both of them are huffing. Charles got up and grabbed the jar of water on top of their bedside table before pouring them a drink. Diana eagerly accepted the glass, drinking almost all of it the minute it was given to her. Charles then went to the bathroom, returning with a towel in his hand. He gently wipes the remains of him on Diana.

After he was done, he discarded the towel into the hamper. Laying beside her, Charles softly kisses the top of her head before pulling her still-naked body closer to his, basking in silence. Diana lay in his arms whilst drawing circles on his chest.

"Charles, I have something for you," she broke the silence. Charles turns to her, raising his eyebrows in question.

"What is it?"

Taking a deep breath, Diana pulled herself up and began walking towards her luggage, rummaging. After she found the paper she was looking for, she clutched it in her chest. She returns to his side, handing him the paper. Confused, Charles accepted it.

It was a land title—!

"I've been thinking... More like doing, actually. But what do you think of us living in Highgrove?"

Charles stiffened, a reaction she was expecting honestly.

"I figured... We cannot escape the past, and by doing so, it will only signify fear. I don't want to be afraid anymore, Charles. I don't want to live in fear my whole life. And I want to do it with you,"

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