Chapter 21

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July 1981: The Evening Before the Wedding

"We're in love, and it's no secret any

The beloved couple have been "serious" since September last year and got engaged 5 months ago. But this was the first time they felt able to let the world in on their secret. Charles, 32, and his 20-year old fiancee will finally tie the knot! For Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer whose had to keep their love from the world, yesterday it was different. The two were spotted hand in hand whilst leaving the Cathedral after after an hour-long rehearsal for their nuptials which will be held tomorrow at St. Paul's Cathedral. According to reliable sources, the two laughed, exchanged non-verbal conversations, and was goofing around before, during, and after the rehearsal. It seems as though the couple couldn't get their hands off from each other. Gone forever are the days of discreet meetings. Now they look to the future.


"You've been walking back and forth for the past 20 minutes, Diana! What's wrong?" Jane asked, eyes following Diana's figure. Her hands clasped, and ocean eyes unfocused.

"Have you ever heard of pre-wedding jitters?" she retorted, steadying her breath and clearly trying to calm her inner panic as her temper and voice were rising rapidly at a concerning pace. Unknowingly, Sarah rolled her eyes at the comment whilst chuckling.

"Obviously, I have!" an annoyed expression painted on Sarah's face as she glared at her younger sister in front of her.

"Then you'll understand why!" the sudden rise of Diana's voice echoed through the walls of the Clarence House, paralyzing her sisters for a moment. It was Sarah who broke the silence.

"What are you so mad about? Diana, you've got to calm down!" The three stood motionless, catching their respective breaths.

Diana turned away, hands gently massaging her chest in an attempt to calm herself down. Jane took a long, long look at him before asking.

"You are not planning to back out now, do you?" Diana turned swiftly and threw her a look of bewilderment. Opening her mouth and closing it repeatedly almost like she struggled to remember how to respond.

"What? No! Of course, not! Why would you even think of that?" Diana thought Jane's idea was absurd! It didn't even cross her mind to back out.

The cause of her jitters is not something she can tell.

A lone tear escaped her eyes without her notice. Sarah's gaze softened and approached her younger sister, placing her hands gently on the sides of Diana's face. "Then may I ask why are you acting like this? Hmm?"

"I'm in love with someone else, Diana." She sat there silently, hunched over, and with a sense of loss so powerful that her body couldn't respond.

"W-why are you telling me this now?" She asked. Diana felt like her heart had been ripped out. A state of misery that she couldn't see the end of the tunnel.

"I ought to make myself clear before I take my vow tomorrow."

Diana didn't do anything nor did she respond to what he had said. She just hung her head and let the tears flow.

Diana buried her head in the crook of her sister's neck. There were no more tears shed, but the anguish she was feeling was felt by them. Thinking about that memory caused a shudder from her feet to travel to her spine.

"I don't know." Diana tried to calm her racing mind, convincing it that nothing of the sort would be happening in this lifetime. Unlike before, she has a strong foundation in terms of her self-concept. She knew Charles loved her immensely, she knew this. Still, memories of the past are now catching up to her more than ever, taunting her. Making her shiver, not from the cold, but from the thought of losing everything.

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