Chapter 29

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She is a stranger
You and I have history
Or don't you remember
Sure, she's got it all
But, baby, is that really what you want?

- Rumour Has It by Adele


"Are you ready, darling?" Charles turned around only to find Diana already dozed off, a sleeping William in her arms.

He walked over, shaking her softly. The action caused her to stir and open her eyes in confusion. Diana let out a small grunt. Her reaction brought a smile to his lips.


"We have to get going now."

"Oh." Charles chuckled, kissing her softly.

"Come on, the press is waiting impatiently to get a glimpse of you, restless even. Here, I'll take this big boy over here." With tender hands, Charles scooped their baby from her hands, softly lifting him into his arms giving Diana time to smooth out the wrinkles of dress.

"Thank you, and surely they came not to see me but this tiny human, instead." Diana plays with William's tummy making the latter giggle. The glee sound reverberated throughout the room, making his parents giggle as well.

"Well, are you ready to go out in the world, little one?" William made a sound of excitement.

"Shall we go now?" She asked. Charles nodded in response and they went off.

As Diana and Charles made their way through the bustling hospital corridors, the air was thick with an atmosphere of celebration and relief. Staff members whispered words of congratulations as they passed, their voices mingling with the gentle hum of medical equipment.

Diana felt the weight of exhaustion settling into her bones, the journey of childbirth leaving her drained yet exhilarated. Each murmur of well-wishes was like a soothing balm to her weary soul. She offered grateful smiles and whispered thank-you's to those they passed. Each member of the hospital staff had played an important role in bringing their precious son into the world, and she felt an overwhelming sense of appreciation for their work.

In the crook of Charles' arm, William lay sound asleep, his tiny chest rising and falling in peaceful rhythm.

As they stepped out, the onslaught of flashing cameras was blinding, each click echoing through the air like a relentless beating of drums. They were bombarded with questions from all directions, but the royal couple remained stoically silent, their expressions composed as they observed the sea of eager reporters and photographers.

Despite their best efforts to maintain a calm demeanor, some of the journalists grew impatient and insistent, their voices rising in frustration. Diana understood their eagerness, having waited for days outside the hospital for just this glimpse of the new royal addition. Yet, she couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort at their brash demands and intrusive behavior.

Charles, his protective instincts kicking in, held William tightly in his arms, a silent shield against the chaos unfolding around them. With each passing second, his patience wore thinner, until finally, after enduring a barrage of photographs for what felt like an eternity, he politely thanked the crowd and swiftly ushered Diana and William into the waiting car.

a second chance in loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon