seventy two - the sixth bind

331 16 17

dbl update




Nine should've said no.

It seemed that it was what he always should've said whenever it came down to her asking permission to do things, such as joining him on little excursions and whatnot.

Like now, where he told her he was going for a drive to clear his head from their upcoming mission tomorrow, and she said, "Can I come?"

So, here they were, sitting in his car on yet another freezing January day, a few days before Louis arrives, and one day before they have to go to the train depot tomorrow to scope out the area and pray that they didn't get caught.

All because he couldn't tell her that she couldn't join.

Maybe he thought that the company would help distract him from their meeting with Cecelia Berkshire or anything else going on this week, all of which making him want to roll a fat joint and stare at the ceiling for hours.

Usually, the presence of another person never helped him do anything.

For some reason though, he was relatively fine with Gwen as long as she wasn't asking stupid questions or bothering him religiously.

Well, as religiously as a woman sent by the devil himself could.

Right now, she wasn't.

Granted, she had put on music without asking, knowing that he'd say no. Instead, when she simply sent him a cheeky grin after pressing the cassette in, he returned a glare.

She seemed satisfied with that.

Again, they passed a cigarette between each other, his window cracked instead of rolled all of the way down due to the blistering cold.

And again, she sang along to lyrics he'd heard before, but no longer had a care to know. A tape he didn't even know he had that she found in his glove compartment.

"Take me out tonight," she sang softly.

Cigarette smoke that had not yet escaped the confines of the vehicle simmered around them, Nine pressing on the breaks as they rolled to a red light in a recognizable area.

It was near one of his favorite spots to take pictures, a community park. Which, now that she's tagged along, he most likely wouldn't be doing anymore. 

He just hoped she wouldn't find the camera tucked beneath the back of her seat for some reason.

"Driving in your car," he heard her continue after lines he hadn't registered.

He knew this song, he realized. And for a split moment, he considered keeping the cassette tape inside of the player when he was by himself in the car next, letting it play in the background.

With a huff to himself and his thoughts, he pressed his cigarette to his mouth and took in a long draw.

"And if a double-decker bus, crashes into us," she sang along louder.

"To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die," he almost hummed with her, but stopped himself abruptly.

He cleared his throat, reaching forward and turned down the volume on the old thing.

"Don't like The Smiths?" She asked quizzically, turning to face him inside of out of the window she'd been looking at.

Nine set his jaw tightly, forcing himself to swallow, "I do."

𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 | 𝙷.𝚂.Where stories live. Discover now