forty - the nick ordeal

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double update. read 39



Perched behind a trash can in the shadows of the afternoon was Nine, his body clothed in black and hidden in the alleyway adjacent to where Blue had just "run into" Nicholas Miller.

He had his gun tucked in his waist band, his hands and eyes the only thing uncovered on his entire body, each ring on his finger standing out against the dark clothing he took up and fit in so well.

Nine listened to their conversation in the earpiece intently, his green eyes set on their distant figures through his mask, where his chestnut curls were pressed against his head. 

"Oh my god, Nick?" Blue faked surprise, her shoulder bumping into Miller's semi-aggressively.

Zayn and Niall were in the van by the street, likely watching her with the binoculars kept in the vehicle, their individual breaths softly in the background of their focus.

"Gwen?" Nicholas asked, his arm reaching out and settling her form from their bump.

"It's so crazy seeing you here," Nine could see as she smiled softly, moving away from Miller's hand timidly. His gaze zeroed in on Miller's movements then.

"What are you doing over here?"

Lie, lie, lie. 

Nine was putting his full faith in Blue's ability to fabricate anything, not really knowing how convincing she could sound.

Little did he know how easily she lied to Hailey, someone she considered a best friend to her.

"Oh, I was just getting coffee around the corner and then going to this nearby bookshop. You know Junebug's?"

Nine wasn't even aware of a bookstore in the area, but it seemed that it wasn't a lie. Nicholas nodded, his puffy cheeks rising with his grin.

"Yea, I know Junebug's. Don't they sell coffee in there though?"

He was suspicious of her, that much was obvious. Nine's fists clenched at his sides, his jaw tightening as his teeth were beginning to grind into each other.

She needed to get him in the alley before he caught on.

"Gosh," Blue faked a laugh. "They do, but we all know it's a little on the bland side, right? Poor guy just wanted some extra cash in there."

"I guess you're right," Nicholas nodded with an empty chuckle.

Then, Blue's friendly expression dropped, false concern coating her features from afar. Nine didn't notice he was rolling his rings around his fingers anxiously, afraid of whatever plan she might have.

It wasn't his job to do things for her, but he was sort of wishing he'd helped her come up with something.

Miller was probably plotting how to get Blue alone just as much as she was him, taking the opportunity to grab onto her as he tried at the club.

She was his target just as much as he was hers.

Only, Nicholas didn't expect to see her today. He likely didn't have reinforcements like Blue did.

"Are you okay?" Blue asked him, forcing a hand on Nicholas's arm in a delicate manner.

Nine was stunned that she willingly touched him, his brows fighting to rise beneath the cloth of his mask.

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