five - the girl ordeal

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If Gwen thought she didn't like this 'Nine' guy before, she really didn't like him now that she's being held by these people for an undetermined amount of time.

Had he just shot her instead of choosing to spare her miniscule life, she wouldn't be stuck here at all. She'd be someplace better.

What started out as a perfectly normal-- even though subpar-- date in New York that she truly only went on for her deceased brother Brady, had now turned into two nights of her living in a tiny room in the basement of this bar.

And to make matters worse, she was being monitored at all times.

Kite was always checked into her phone on his laptop, and she knew because every now and then her phone grew incredibly hot and started running slow. On top of that, an app had been downloaded that she didn't put there herself, something for discreet text chains she figured they'd soon involve her in.

Someone was always outside of her door, even when she went to the bathroom, and it was always the same person. A tall guy with black hair and tan skin, who never smiled and didn't once look at her as she moved around. She'd nicknamed him 'Crab' when she was bored yesterday.

Niall, the blonde, was the one that was bringing her food during mealtimes. She figured that it wasn't typically his job judging by the discomfort on his face the first day he brought food, but she didn't bother to ask and he didn't bother to try and be nice about it. If he already had a nickname, Gwen had re-gifted him 'Switch' anyways.

Of course, neither of them knew about it.

Gwen hadn't seen another girl in almost three days, and it was driving her crazy. Though, Kite's hacking skills didn't stop her from calling Hailey yesterday morning.

Brady was super into electronics and gaming, sort of like Kite, and over the course of a summer he taught Gwen various things he said she might need someday. One of those things was overriding a wall meant to block her from certain things, which she did on her call log.

While she thought it weird Brady taught her the skill, she figured he was only interested and wanted to show someone. And it did prove helpful.

When she got past Kite's wall using only her phone, he stormed in after she got off the phone with Hailey, demanding to know how she had done it.

Gwen only said, "I have no clue what you're talking about."

To which he demanded to know everything that she had talked to Hailey about. Which, truly, was nothing of importance. She figured these people holding her captive were likely looking into Nick's involvement with Parker Oswald's whole drug thing.

She wanted Hailey out of it, and if that meant getting rid of Nick, she was okay with that despite what it might entail.

All she told Hailey was she went out after the date, got super drunk, and then got a call from her distant cousin saying they had an emergency she should be there for. She let her know she wasn't sure when she'd be home, and her friend accepted with concern but without question.

Kite seemed okay with that answer.

Now, on the third day of her being ignored by everyone except for Kite and Switch, Gwen got fed up.

She waltzed out of her room in the basement, right past Crab with determination written all over her face. She hadn't been further than the bathroom once, and when she passed the threshold, she thought she just might get out of there and never have to go back.

Until a warm hand grasped her forearm.

She groaned aloud, turning around and meeting the cold stare of Crab, who was clearly pissed at what she attempted.

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