eight - the roommate ordeal

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Nine underestimated just how uncomfortable he'd be in his own space with the arrival of the girl.

He thought it'd be something miss-able; they'd co-exist in the apartment together, never bothering to have small talk or interact beyond fleeting looks and passing glances. At least, that was ideal to him.

When Niall arrived with her though, that was quickly proven to be wrong.

Firstly, she didn't stop glaring at him like he'd killed her puppy from the moment they'd entered his space, his home. Secondly, she arrived with a suitcase of belongings they'd clearly stopped by her apartment to retrieve. Not that it was particularly upsetting, but seeing the large bag only introduced the finality of their situation to him.

And thirdly, he realized then that she wasn't only a stupid girl he should've shot back in the alleyway; she was also a stupid girl with a life beyond the walls of the basement she'd previously been kept in.

Nine hated how now not just her existence, but also her life was his responsibility.

The things she was interested in he would have to get used to. He'd have to smell food she liked, hear TV shows she enjoyed, and see her walking around in his space. He hated just thinking about it.

"So, I guess I'll be going then," Niall said awkwardly, standing up from his sitting position on the couch after only a few moments of arriving.

"Wait," Nine muttered, walking with him to the front door and ignoring the girl standing in the threshold of his hallway. Where his room would right across from hers, unfortunately.

Niall looked up at Nine with a grimace of a smile, "I'll be back tomorrow around four."

Nine took in a deep breath, "Is there anything I should know first?"

The blonde shrugged, "She didn't know about Nick, if that's what you're asking. And... I talked to her a bit about her attitude."

He whispered the last part, but it didn't stop the girl from hearing him.

"Right here, you know," she pointed out loudly.

Nine almost winced, his eyes shutting at the presence of her voice. "Okay," he responded to Niall.

"Best of luck, mate. Gwen, see you later," Niall waved towards the girl before walking out of the apartment, shutting the door behind him.

The loss of a third party made Nine stiffen, his skin crawling with the feeling of her eyes on him. Nine wasn't sure what to do now. At least with Niall here, things felt a bit more natural. Now, he didn't know if he should start by telling her the rules of their new adjustment or go to bed and deal with it tomorrow.

He didn't want to have to speak to her either way, which, he realized wasn't possible.

He heard her sigh, but not in a way as to aggravate him, only as if she'd been holding a breath. He realized he had been biting his tongue at that moment.

Nine turned towards the girl, flaring his nostrils at his shaky hands before stuffing them in his pant pockets. He wasn't wearing his jacket.

Her bored eyes met his, their energies matching in an almost laughable way-- neither one of them wanted to be here right now. At least he knew she felt the same way.

"We should discuss some rules and boundaries first."

The girl didn't nod or say anything, only staring back at him with her suitcase stood up behind her. He hated that she kept quiet, but he was also glad she didn't intend on holding a conversation with him.

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