🫂 last letter 🫂

28 11 14

His last letter -

I haven't asked you for something ,you live your life.
It is not necessary that love should be from both sides.
Ignore me or stay close, it's your choice.
You don't want my love, no problem in it.
Not from your side but it is a one sided love for you only.
Now whether you go away or further away, no changes there will be.
One sided love for you , so it is.
Expression of love is not necessary, only love should be there.
Isn't it ?
But I tried .Yes , I tried on 10 November 2023 , remember ?
You didn't get what I wanted to say and I have no more courage to repeat.
You were looking into my eyes , asking.
For me , the universe was freezing there and you were just smiling.
My heartbeat skipped when you raised your eyebrows, called my name and said "What happen? Is everything fine ?"
Immortal memory was created by you at that moment.
Maybe, my destiny doesn't want you with me.
Still , I will try my best ... my luck , my faith , my beliefs ,everything.
When you are away from me , my love should decrease , right ?
But it still increases, what should I do now ?
Not from your side but from my side , one sided love is there.
And so it is.
                     I never wanted any distance, but having distance from you now is obvious.
My school is completed and you still have one year there.
I wish you the best of luck for your board exams , like the way you said to all of us ,"Good luck warriors."
Our memories will always be there with me and the rose , I placed for you in a notebook will always be a secret and there is no opening key.
My intention behind putting chocolates in your bag was just to make you smile.
I am writing letters madly for you even though I know that you didn't receive any letters before and maybe this one will also not be so blessed to reach you.
Still, I want to write all this in because maybe this is the last letter from my side.
We can't predict the future or in your way - the future is amazing to explore as we know nothing before.
You will always be like a riddle for me .
Wanted to solve but what can I do of my destiny?
Thinking what I will tell my mom ?
His courageous son with no fear was speechless in front of her daughter-in-law.
I will wait for you forever. If God will support me , we will surely meet one day.
I am lucky , yes but not enough for you.
But I want to see the forehead of the one you will like.
I want to see what palm line he has that is missing on mine.
Yes , I am feeling jealous of one who will get love from your side.
I want to measure his love who will change your thinking of love as golden cage to divine.
You are so pure in friendship, I want to know how your love is !
But , can't expect anything as one sided love is one sided.
But I am happy, honestly.
Because Control over love is completely mine.
I don't want your time to flourish my love.
It's already growing , what can I do ?
One more thing, you will always be in my talks.
You know , I dislike sweets after the day I came to know you don't like sweets.
I don't know why , different kinds of thoughts are surrounding me now....

I won't get my love(you) because I denied the proposal of many girls, ignored them after knowing their feelings, made a distance from girls who like me Just for you. Karma comes back , right ?

But the universe serves us what we ask for , right ? I never asked anything except you. I always worked hard for everything I wanted , I prepared myself for that. Now , I can't do that. My brain stops working when you are near me , the sound of your voice gives me butterflies, your smile makes my heart skip a beat , every time I am with you I FEEL COMPLETE.

Leaving these thoughts away, I just want to say - I am yours , just yours.
After my mom , you are the one whom I loved the most and always will be. I know these days after our separation will be hard for me , but I will manage as I have our memories.
You know , I am crying right now. I made this page wet. I will have to write it again but no problem, I will write it all again.
I have a small desire if you can complete -
You always support and understand everyone , didn't you see my eyes?
My friends and brothers always say that - you are truly fallen for her. She will surely realise your love.
They call you lucky and to make me smile every moment, they named me Lucky.
Don't know how I will feel now ...
But you just smile. You don't need any weapon to kill anyone, your smile and eyes are enough.
Never leave the spark that makes you... You.
Take care . I am always there for you in every situation. No matter what happens, I am sufficient for your security.

By ~

Me : 🥺🫂😖
May God he gets someone who loves him the way he loves me 💕

Author's note :
Please let me know your views in comments.
I seriously need to know your opinion on this .... ❣️
Please let me know 😊

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